I'm not sure about the Sterility part, but in terms of what would happens if you drank it.... It would potentially improve your health. It's called Auto-Urine Therapy and the idea of drinking your own wee has been around for a long time. It's supposedly highly recommended for people who travel around the world and for those suffering from immune system problems. There are a number of opinions as to the benefits gained from this particular kind of therapy. I suggest googling it and deciding who to believe. In Response to comments: Yes - Urea is a toxin and Yes - it is a part of Urine, but it makes up less than 5% of a normal persons urine, the rest is plain water. By the nature of their responses I'm assuming most of the commentors didn't bother looking into it to get an informed opinion. To make their life simpler here is are a few links: The Berkeley Medical Journal - The Skeptics Dictionary - Other resources include a number of books listed on amazon regarding the practice. To give you an idea of how old the idea is the Sketic dictionary gives the following extract (which it seems to claim relates to drinking urine - which it could I guess): Drink water from your own cistern, flowing water from your own well. (The Book of Proverbs 5:15)
Urine is mostly sterile, and definitely safe to drink. Most people forget that urine is mostly water. Water is the filter of the human body. Waste that our cells produce, collectivley known as urea, ends up in our bloodstream. Our kidneys remove the urea, along with excess water, and the result is urine. When you drink your own urine, you are putting more water back into your system, but you are also putting in the stuff your body is trying to get rid of. This is not bad for you at first, but if you drink no water, only your own urine for an extended period of time, the urea content of your urine will increase. It becomes difficult to urinate, painfull sometimes. But note, this is after drinking your own urine for days. Its like using a dirty air filter. It works, but soon the filter will become more and more clogged with dust. Just like an air filter, the urine, which now must dispose of more and more waste in the same amount of water, becomes saturated. This is observable, as if you do drink your own urine over a few days it becomes darker in color. Similarly, the more water you drink, the lighter your urine is. Astronauts on the Apollo 13 mission were stuck in space without power. For the last four days or so of their journey, they had run out of liquid water. They drank their own urine, which kept them from dehydration while they came home. I am not simply using the movie as the source of that info, they did in fact have to drink their own urine. Doctors used to check for diabetes by tasting patients urine. If it was sweet it indicated high blood sugar. Luckily we have much more pleasant methods now. The bottom line: Urine is sterile. You can drink it. I don't know why you would want to, but it is completely safe.
IF you have no kidney, Bladder or Urethral disease/malfunction it is safe to drink it - counterproductive though because its only going to make you thiristier.....
Nothing, it just wouldn't taste good. But you shouldn't do it unless you were in a situation where you really needed to.
If you drink your own urine you will die,its poisoness. But if you drink some one elses urine it isnt poisoness,as it was their bodys toxins not yours
you can drink your own urine to stay alive
Urine is only sterile before it leaves the body. One end result of drinking urine was discoverd when people on long sea voyages ran out of drinking water. They drank their own urine and went insane. There is an alternative health therapy, where people drink it and it is SUPPOSED to heal them of numerous diseases. I have met one such person, and i do not know about his disease status, though i do know he seemed mad.
I will tell you what happened to me. My brother John was 4 years old I was 2 years older I wasn't that adventurous John was always bolder One day he climbed the outhouse While I remained at it's base When I looked up to check on him My brother pissed in my face This really happened and he did it into my mouth. Nasty tasting for sure!
I believe it's only sterile when it's still hot. If you were to drink it for an extended length of time you would become increasingly dehydrated, because the kidneys retain water when it is low, so the urea concentration would build up, which is quite harmful. Even if the person has not drank anything urine with high conc of urea is produced.
I have heard from a science professor that it is the most sterile fluid that you could possibly come across. But these answers seem to be quite inconclusive.....
You might become a connoisseur.
It is sterile, but it would be counterproductive to consume it. The body produces natural toxins that it needs to flush out. It's not excess water, it's a flushing system to clean you out. Recycling it back in would slightly poison you and your body would have to work harder to flush it back out again and effectively make you more thirsty. It's a little like redirecting your car's exhaust back into the engine. Conversely drinking clean water between meals is very good for you, it flushes out those toxins.
It's sterile the instant it leaves you, from what I've heard. If you chug it back instantly after you pee it out (eww), then you are putting back some toxins that your body had filtered out, but you'll just filter them out again and it won't do any real harm. However, there are components in urine that break down pretty quickly, so if you don't drink it right away, then you'll get a mouthful of ammonia and anaerobic bacteria.
I've had a few sips of my own, it was really watery though because I'd drank so much. It just tasted sort of salty. Nothing bad happens and it isn't that bad.
All those reporting that urine is toxic are misinformed. Urine is sterile and contains excess products that the kidneys deem as not important at a particular time. Consuming urine has no ill effects, it is in fact helpful to your body (google urine therapy) :) Toxic products can only be found in feaces not in urine!!
TRUE URINE which u cant buy on EBay anymore is 99% water because that is what it is supposed to be. It also must have the right temp (around 94), the right pH, and also must have IgG in it. We make it and sell it for $10 postage paid. It works. You need 45 cc for a test, we send u 60cc. To get the job you want send $10 (cash only) to the following: G F Aery, 5523 Gleason, San Antonio, TX 78240 All of the instructions will be provided for you. So far of 34 users, ALLL have passed. Rockstar Pizz works too, but it does not have IgG in it. This proves it is human.
Dont know but if you wanna be a porn star get used to it...
I am actually one of the rare people who think it tastes delicious. I only drink my boyfriends but i have to have it right as its coming out his p@n!s. Its lucious! Its actually a deep epic loving thing. To consume that which you can not reach from with inside your boyfriend. I know this sounds strange but its an epic thing and it is very deeply passionate. Just think about it. Even the gesture of even doing the act. Anyways, my bf was in the military and he also said that it is used as a survival technique and it can not harm you. But who cares! His is delicious!
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