• Well, there's this story and it goes like this........ A man's wife is dying, but the medication to cure her disease costs way too much for them to afford. They have no insurance, and she will certainly die of they do not get this medication. He works where the medication is stored. He steals the medication so he doesn't lose his wife. She is cured and doesn't die from the disease. Was it wrong for this man to steal the medication. I think this is a case where stealing is ok. He loved his wife so much and he saved her life. If the medication costs so much then the manufacturer must be rich enough to let it slide.
  • If someone steals food to feed their starving family, then I do not see anything wrong with that. If there are no other options open to them.
  • I would steal to feed my family, I think that is a justifiable reason.
  • stealing is never really justified... if you ask the right person you will learn how to get what ya need
  • There are many times in life when we have to violate a rational and moral law in the service of a higher justice. Stealing food to feed a starving child is my favorite example. Stealing is wrong, yet allowing a child to starve to death when it could be easily prevented is ( in my opinion ) a greater wrong. This is where "moral courage" comes in.
  • Yes, stealing is always a moral wrong. If you need something bad enough and can't afford it, then you should beg or try to make a deal for it. I believe that justice should be at the mercy of the victimized.
  • Stealing is always morally wrong but I would steal to feed my child, if I dared.
  • Morals are subjective. To me, stealing is always wrong , no matter what. But having said that would I stand by and watch a child starve? No, I would steal to feed my family, but only after exhausting all other venues. As CaptainHarley said, which is the greater wrong? If a mans arm is caught in a machine and you cant turn it off would chopping his arm off to save his life be wrong? And yet, to just chop off someones arm is wrong. I think when it is a matter of someones life, morals have to take a back seat.
  • I wouldn't want the same thing to happen to me.
  • The goverment doesnt like the competition:-)
  • I believe it is perfectly justifiable to steal anything that is required to sustain one's life if it is not otherwise available. Otherwise, it's right up there with lying. It's just not right and it's bad for your psyche.

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