Yes I did for two years! There are ways to do things without one. Walking is great!
i need my car to earn money to pay my credit cards and my mortgage.
Possibly,if I still had the motorcycles, but life would be difficult if not impossible in the winter snows. We just live too far out in the woods to go without transportation.
No. Injuries and extreme rural location make it impossible.
I have never had a car and I get around just fine. My husband drives me whereever I need to go and where I live nearly everthing is in walking distance. The grocerystore, shops, resturants, theaters. Even my work is in walking distance and if I do need to go someplace that is to far to walk and my husband can't take me, we have great public transportation here.
Sure! I was "carless" for about 2 years. It would be a bit tiresome to reach work without it (I have to walk a bit, take a bus, take a subway and then a train, plus another bit to walk - lol), but I did it then, I could do now.
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