• Look on your intake manifold, along with each port having the cylinder number stamped on it, you should also find your firing order on one of the intake ports. Hope this helps.
  • This is the easy way I do this myself.Take 1 Wire off then take the new one and put it on.But do this one at a time.
  • like "burnout" said, change them one at a time and ya can't go wrong. but i'm guessing that's not an option at this point. since i'm not a gm guy and don't know the firing order my best advice is get a manual. if you're going to be doing your own wrenching it'll come in handy more times than you can imagine ;)
  • either do one at a time or look at the intake and get firing order.but do that make sure you know how to do it like that or the timing will be all screwed up.

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