Hi, i thing in your computer folder options does not shows right. for this do this trick You are infected by virus..scan your computer with AVG 7.5. This antivirus is free and you can download it in the net. Steps in enabling Folder Options: type "regedit" in the run dialog box then find "NoFolderOptions" in HKEY_CURRENT_USER. If it exist, set the value of it to 0 or delete it. Now, try to check in the Control Panel if the Folder Options icon is already there. If still not exist. Try this step: Type gpedit.msc then goto: User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Component -> Windows Explorer in right-side pane, set "Removes the Folder Options menu item from the Tools menu" to Disabled.
Don't quite understand your question. Add folder option to what? If you are talking about the folder view in windows explorer, then all you have to do is click on the button at the top of your explorer window labled "folders". If you cant see the button, then right click on the toolbar and choose "customize", The "customize toolbar" dialog box will open. Click on the "folders" button in the left pane and click "add". Close the dialog box and the "folders" button will now be on your toolbar. Or possibly you're talking about accessing folder options to customize one or all folders. To do this click on "tools" in your explorer window and choose "folder options". If neither of these are not what your referring to could you give a little more info?
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