Middle School....7-8 grade especially.
high school. thats when they get really disenchanted with the education system and they know about drugs. also, knife crime in high school is becoming more common and that is serious stuff
My Guess would be Middle school;) The harmons start kicking in and they get cocky;)
High school.
id say high school.
Middle School - Kids are trying to discover a self identity and deal with hormonal changes of massive proportions.
Oh god, middle school. Kids are the worst then.
middle, by the time they hit high school they are usually more mature
Middle School.
Middle school.
Definately middle school. It has the most bullying, the most awkwardness, and many of the kids (speaking from vivid memories) are just little assholes, plain and simple. I went to 2 different high schools, both of which had many people from my middle school, and the vast majority of them were much better behaved, or at least more self-restrained. And the ones who chronically misbehaved usually dropped out; so by grade 12, most of the remaining students were normal, decent people.
For me it was high school. They were all bigger than me by then.
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