• I got the wooden spoon a lot. :) We were crazy kids, I'm surprised my poor mother lived to tell the stories! Everything from dangling my sister out the second story window to "running away" (I hid in the woods near my house), to beating each other up.
  • My parents didn't believe in spanking. I got grounded a lot! :( I think I would have rather received a spanking, and gotten it over with.
  • when it came to the mother, breathing or coming within her range of vision was enough to be in trouble. :)
  • My parents reserved spankings for extreme situations - stealing, lying, hurting my siblings or friends. Thankfully, by showing me such an extreme response, I was taught that such actions were completely unacceptable, and I can't think of any time I tried an action that led to a spanking a second time. otherwise, I mostly got grounded, lost TV time or computer time, or had other sorts of privileges like dessert and my bike taken away. And yes, I will spank my children, and for the same reasons.
  • Hitting my three year old brother over the head with a plastic baseball bat and lying about it, filling my mom's camera with dirt, smashing food in my sisters face cause I was mad at her, trust me the list goes on and on! I was a brat. And I always got spanked, I even had my own paddle in the pastors office! Basically, I got spanked every single church service cause of my attitude! : ) That was all about 15 years ago though!
  • Looking or acting like my father. Yuck!
  • Where I came from (far away :D) spanking is not enough (so they think). During my childhood, whenever me and my sibling fight, we would get a belt spank on our butt. :( I only remember one time it happened. But I know that my older brother got that kind of punishment more than me.
  • I also got in trouble like that if I ever disrespected my parents. Now for the fun part Lee Lee.... WHERE ARE YOU? LOL!
  • Just about anything I did (that was wrong). But I got it really bad when I would lie or talk back.
  • I don't remember ever being spanked or punished..I remember my mom telling me she was very disappointed in me about one thing or another..but I'm the first child and was a "good" girl..always wanting to please my folks, so I really wasn't into getting away with stuff or doing things that I knew would get me into trouble. :) It just seemed illogical to me to go out of your way to get into trouble.
  • Is everyone aware that this question is in the following category: Home » Categories » Adult » Fetishes » Spanking ???!!? ;-)
  • My parents spanked me a lot, most of the time for reasons unknown to me.However,I do not they had a spanking fetish....I do though, so it was good for me.
  • Short versions: I got "caught" stealing. BUT it wasn't stealing - in my mind. The explanation is in the LONG version. I got beat for calling my Mom "her" and "she". I got beat for dumping a few circulars in the sewer - for MY Dad's business. My younger brother (8) and I (12) got BEAT for tossing our youngest brother (about a year old) between two separate beds. There was a 3 foot space between the beds AND NOTHING but hardwood floors. Mom walked passed the room as #3 was "in mid-flight". ENOUGH of MY confessions! Thanks for asking your Q! I enjoyed answering it! VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name! Sources: A bittersweet YET painful walk down "Memory Lane". "THE University of Hard Knocks" Also known as ("a/k/a") "life's valuable lessons".
  • Making fun of younger sister, stealing, getting detention, back talking to my mom, not doing chores, smoking/drinking, fighting with older brother. That's all I can think of
  • I only got spanked/slapped for talking back. But other punishments, like no allowance, phone, or tv, I'd get for things like lying ... I can't really think of what else.
  • You name it, I was probably spanked for it. Builds character!
  • I back talked my mother one time. That's all it took. I haven't done it since and I remember testing that limit to this day.
  • At boarding school we were not allowed to speak any word from 19.00 up to the morning at 07.30. Every where elder girls were standing around watching closely if somebody was talking or only whispering. For every offence they could give you 1 to 5 marks and each mark meant 1 strike with the cane. Friday night they were giving you your marks which had collected over the week. Or you got a mark because you did not march in line or if you were talking during study time. Or if you only did something stupid. Just as the mood the supervising girl could give you your marks on the list. Or you got some marks by a teacher because yor shoes were not shiny or your bed was not extremely correct done. There were many occasions where you could catch a mark because we were permanently under control. For the elder girls it was interesting to give as many marks as possible because they got privileges. The punished boys had to clean their rooms and toilets and all unpleasant things and girls who were strict and reliable could wear jeans or mini skirts while other girls had to wear long an very unpleasant skirts. Disturbing during school time, not doing the homeworks all that could bring you a flogging. And of course a lack of respect, cheeky answers to the most female teachers. And so on. And those spankings were always in the public. All elder pupils could attend ad this was extremely humiliating.
  • Funny, the only spanking I still remember happened when I was about 4. My dad was painting the house. While he was working in the back, I was using my crayons in the front. When he found out, he whipped me with his belt until I'd cleaned up every mark. At least that was what he demanded. Not sure if I actually succeeded.
  • I said the "s-word" when I was about 6, and got my mouth washed with soap. hehe
  • I got spanked for the slightest thing my dad was too strict and went over the top.
  • I got spanked for going near the road. I got spanked a lot, I was always testing my boundries. I still do it today.
  • I went biking with a friend forgetting to tell my mom where I was going and when I was coming back. When I came back at the end of the day, she told me she had called the cops, the whole family was dead worried about me and searching for me thru town and I got a major spank!
  • Blinking my eyes, having an original thought, saying "I don't want to," not understanding my fractions, not wanting to sit at the kitchen table to study the damn Watchtower and Awake magazines because blind faith didn't make sense to me. I got hit for the most ridiculous bullshit and with shoes, dog leashes, umbrellas, hands, anything. IOne tyime I fell off my bike onto my mouth, chipped a tooth and when mom opened the door to let me in, she fuckign hit me. It makes sense that I'm all fucked up emotionally and always put myself in a lower position.
  • I was givin bare butt spankings by my father over his Knee as a family custom, And my parents where of swedish roots so it was always around, it hurt alot, But it didnt harm me, Until about 13 when I stole £18 from my younger sisters money box, THEN IT HARMED ME! sorry sis?
  • I had one older brother and I remember that he got spanked far worse than me. But I got spanked for alot of things stealing, back talking, bad grades, all kinds of stuff my father thought were inapropriate.
  • Laughing at my mom would make her go berserk and I wasnt doing it to make her go nuts but just because I really didnt understand what the problem was. It's kinda like when someone comes up to you and screams I know you have been stealing, which you didnt. Because it's awkward you cant help the laughing out of awkwardness. I experienced a lot of awkward moments and my mom experienced a lot of angry moments because of it.
  • My dad hated liars he would yell at me and spank me for it.Scared the s@#$ outta me.I had a recent dream about him and that and man I woke up terrified!
  • just like you...for doing something "bad".
  • Anytime my dad was mad, maybe from work or a fight with mom, if we were caught up past our bedtime or talking too much or maybe we did do something horrible, we got spanked. For cheating, lieing, yelling, playing too loud, many things xD. We got spanked with belts wooden spoons hand, bare butt. You name it.
  • Getting poor marks in exams. Not paying heed to mom's words. Arguing with her. Hiding something which she comes to know after a few days from others. Somebody complaining about me. These were major offences and the punishment was bare bottom spankings with switch paddle spatula or even belt until the bottoms turn red and sometimes develop welts. Then it will be corner time. The extreme situations included bare back spanking along with bar bottoms and that too in front of others.
  • For lying.
  • At the boarding school the ladies always found enough reasons to give us boys a severe spanking. It could be bad marks, not enough concentration, talking without permission, disobedience or just a lack of respect to the ladies. So, I got the first few years quite a lot of spankings.
  • The list is to long to write, but here goes: Hitting my brothers- and them me,lying, caught smoking, bad grades,disrecpect towards-dad,mom,grdpa,grandma,teacher, aunt ,uncle-bad attitude,late coming home,a call from school,not finishing chores around farm, sneaking out to see gf, getting in fight at LL baseball game,cursing-real bad, got soap in my mouth and the razor strop across my bare ass! As u can see, just about everything and anything, one or more of us were getting whipped at least every day growing up.
  • my brothers used to blame me for stuff they did, so i sometimes got spanked because of them.. also i stayed out too late after school once.. after that, i never stayed out late :D
  • I got beat so bad my dad had to get a new belt buckle, I was chasing my sister with a plastic bat and I got it bent in half over my a$$. My mom threw a glass ash tray at my head and hit me.. till this day I have a bald spot in that place. I especially got spanked when my room was not clean.

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