• it was for me and most of the girls that i knew, but it may have had some importance to others, so i don't know really
  • Nah. Hey, it's nice to chalk up some experience.
  • Weell if it happens it's good practice for more serious relationship.
  • It gives you good wisdom for the DON'T column in life. Otherwise, I'd say it is fairly pointless. Make good friends and avoid giving your heart to people who will do nothing good with it.
  • Usually, and most of the time the relationships that come out of it, even if they end up in marriage, almost always end in divorce. We live so long now there is absolutely no point in wasting our lives on one person while we're in our teens. We can wait until later to start looking for that someone special.
  • I meant my husband in high school, so for me it wasn't pointless:)
  • I think it is okay as long as dating will not pull your academic grades down. As long as you will always respect your parents and value their opinions about relationships.
  • dating is very pointless in highschool i married my highschool sweetheart and it ended in divorce a year later, i have never heard of any highschool romance lasting. and besides you get distracted from your academics.
  • Excellent Question! yes and no. Yes, it is ridiculous and immature typically. No, in that it will provide you with invaluable learning experiences that will help you in future relationships in later years. Just don't take it too seriously.
  • it can be... it really depends on the people i find. but i personally don't think high school relationships are pointless. But I also don't think they're just to get "Firsts" out of the way. Having a boyfriend should be a special, sweet thing for girls in their teens, not freely giving away their bodies to whoever says something that they like. It needs to be treated like something that is cherished, not something that is so easily disposed of, but unfortunately in our society, that's all it is. I am in a "high school relationship" and have been for almost 2 years. I care about him VERY much, and I hope and pray that one day I might be able to marry him. I am very thankful he's in my live, and I'm not in any hurry or even want to move on to another guy.
  • It was for me :P
  • No, there is a high chance of scoring.
  • I wouldn't know...I never dated in high school :-(
  • Most of the time, yes because the people concerned are too young to even think about eventually getting married. But I have high school classmates who are married now with each other. I guess if it's meant to be, then it would really happen.
  • not at all. it sets you up for figuring out what you want in a relationship later in life.
  • Well, back in the day, we went out with lots of different boys and had a date maybe both Friday and Saturday nights and maybe a Sunday afternoon drive with someone else. All boys had cars because they had jobs that they could afford gas and insurance. I think dating was beneficial then because each got to spend time innocently with members of the opposite sex. I say innocent until you became "hot" for someone and then perhaps it wasn't so innocent anymore. :)
  • no because you then learn what you want in a potential long term relationship.
  • Nope, it's practice and life experience for when things do get serious!! How would you like to be 25 and date a virgin guy who doesn't know a thing!! Yeah YIKES
  • No...but it's good to be careful.
  • In certain respects, yes. But I knew a number of people in my class who married their HS sweethearts, and I believe SOME are STILL together. I also have a niece who is currently with her HS sweetheart. But, if NOTHING else, every relationship you're in, I think, will help in later relationships... So, in other respects, it's NOT pointless.
  • My best friend's parents were high school sweethearts and they've been married almost 30 years. So no, it is not always pointless.
  • If they are, then dating is almost as pointless all throughout life. There's no guaruntee that *Any* relationship will last, and even if you don't stay with your highschool sweetheart for you entire life (which some people do), both of you will come out of the relationship with more life experience than you had going in, and hopefully some good memories too. And honestly, what else are relationships for? People are human. People have their romances. Sometimes they last, sometimes they don't, but they certainly never last if they're never started. Obviously kids should be cautious and take their first romances slowly, but why postpone a natural part of life while you wait for it to magically take on some "Higher Meaning"?
  • great question i dated the same guy from the first day of 9th grade until the beginning of 12th and after that i could never date anyone from my school kuz everyone thought of me as his girl...needless to say i think highschool should be more about experiencing things have fun date casually...i graduated 2 years ago and people STILL ask me about him nd i dont live in a small area
  • to me, yes. dating wasn't and still isn't important to me.
  • o and one more thing after high school the ppl that u may have thought yuckkkk to get HOTT believe works WONDERS for some ppl i cant wait until my high school reunion
  • If you do things right and respect each other I see no harm. It can lead to a good social life.
  • No its not. Sure like almost no one marries their highschool sweetheart but it keeps you occupied. And i have to admit the drama that it can stir up. Pretty much the only thing that'll effect your life out of highschol is education and you friends that you know will love you FOREVER. So take the chance.
  • No, it's good practice for all the heartbreaks you'll endure later in life. :)
  • ok wait just a min. dateing in high school is no where near pointless ok my brother meet his wife in the 7th grade they are both now 27 and have been married for 7 years about to be 8 and me and my boyfriend have been dateing for three years we meet are jr. yeart of highschool and we are to be married next summer after we both turn 18 alot of relashonships have come out of highschool romances and if not they set the whole system for the kind of guy you actualy want to be with yes some of the time they seem kind of pointess and you make mistakes but no one here can sit here and say that they didnt learn one good life lesson or dateing lesson from a fizzled relashonship from highschool
  • Practice makes perfect..
  • nope. I think dating is good for mental development. however going steady I think is counter productive in highschool. you are still learning how to be in a relationship and how to pick a partner. you need to date around (not sleep around, and not pretend to go steady but cheat) to learn what to look for in a relationship. when you go steady you are fine tuning a relationship which probably will not last. my wife and I went steady 2 weeks before I proposed. basicaly going steady meant I am want to marry you but I haven't found the right moment to propose yet.
  • Never pointless. My aunt and uncle met in high school, married when they were 16, and have been together ever since, for about 30 years or so now. But even if you don't find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with (which is rare), you'll still get a bunch of experiences and learn lessons that'll prepare you for when you do get out in the real world.
  • Nope, if nothing else it's great practice!
  • Not pointless but it can be detrimental. These are the relationships that will mean a lot to you for the rest of your life.
  • I didnt date in high school, it didnt bother me too much as i was usally in study. met my wife just after high school and been with her ever sence. So personaly, i dont think dating in high school really matters, as long as you keep your grades up =)
  • in a way, i think it is pointless to date in high school because it's highly unlikely that you will stay with that person after you graduate. most people don't meet the love of their life in high school. but it is good practice.
  • I dont think that dating in high school is pointless because me and this guy have been dating since his junior year and my senior year. now he's a senior and im a freshman in college and he is my high school sweetheart and we are planning on getting married. so no, you'll be suprised what'll happen but do not i repeat do not fall for that person so soon
  • Not at all. I think it is vital in fact. You have to learn social norms and all that. If you just jump into it with no prior experience once you're an adult you'll be at a severe disadvantage. Relationships are something to gain knowledge and experience from. You've got to crawl before you can walk and all that.
  • Not at all. I doubt you'll find your "soul mate" in high school, thats obvious, but you'll learn so much about yourself by doing it. You'll learn what you like in a person and what you don't like. You'll gain experience. That's whats important when you're young. Learning about yourself and other people so you have appropriate experience to make decisions when you are older and in a more serious relationship.
  • kindov but the whole point of it is that it might be true love and u might end up married and another thing is that it givess you great experience in life... about other relationshipss so when u get in any other u no the rightss and wrongs... prozz and conss so its easier for u to get through .... :d
  • It was pointless to me because everyone is so veery shallow and people were rtying to get record numbers of partners vs 1 partner.
  • I don't think so. My sister married her boyfriend from high school and now they are having a kid.
  • Not at all. It's practice for real life. Just don't make the mistake of thinking it IS real life.
  • Depends why you date. If it's just a recreation thing, then it doesn't matter when you do it. If you are dating to find a partner for life, it's not the best time since you've got other things that might be priorities getting in the way. But if you find someone that you are serious about, why not just be good friends and get to know them instead of losing the opportunity.
  • Yea. Especially when you're 37;)
  • no you are finding out what you like and dont
  • Dating is useless. Young people are so intent on having a bf/gf that they miss out on their entire youth. What a pathetic waste. They should be concentrating on learning and enjoying life and instead they are running around looking for someone else to fulfill them. No one is a good partner for someone else until they have matured and are complete within themselves. Then they can make a beautiful relationship. Otherwise they will be looking to "get" something from someone else instead of being able to give themselves. Did you ever notice that when a child is loving and giving we approve of the child's actions but we turn around and say things like, "you have to take care of yourself first." We forget that it is called "give and take" not "take and give" or "take and don't give." Anyhow, dating is a waste until we can get to that point.
  • No, it's supposed to be the best years of your life.
  • It's kind of personal opinion. Whether you're hopeful for THE ONE. Out for fun or playing the field. OR you don't want to deal with heartbreak. NO interest in dating.. etcetc.
  • Its not pointless if you date wisely. Like, dont just date anyone, think before you act... "will he/she make a positive or negative impact on my life" and such. I found my bf of 5 years in Algebra Class.... ^ ^
  • it usually is though there are rare occasions wherein you will end up together. of you can be like my bestfriend and her bf. theyve known each other since kindergarten. they did not get together until graduated from college.
  • No dating is not pointless in High School. I have come to believe that everything that happens to you, happens because you need to learn something. This to me is not fate or anything of the sort. It just happens, that's the way it is. I think that if you think about it, that you can think of something important or useful that you learned from a teenage relationship. I sure know I have at least one reason from each oh mine. And I think it's good to get some idea of how the whole dating thing works, while you are younger, as it doesn't matter so much when you are younger, but can have major effects on your older life if something goes wrong with a marriage or relationship. As they get more serious as you get older. This is not to say that some relationships at High School are not serious, a lot are these days. And that's also a very important thing to have happen. Hope I helped. :)
  • Not at all. It teaches you a lot.
  • If you do, it's best to date at or close to your own grade. Sometimes it's okay to date 2 grades apart, like Sophomore and Senior, if you know them well enough beforehand but I would never recommend Freshman-Senior Dating, which some people actually do.
  • no sex is great when your a teenager why would you want to mis out.
  • No, certainly not!
  • It's like waiting for a horse to puke.
  • i think so, i thinks its really unlikely that your going to peruse the same future, so that means going your separate ways, and long distance relationships, not such a great idea. also, some people are so immature, and you'll figure out your wasting your time. its good to learn from mistakes though
  • Basically. It's so rare that a high school relationship lasts...people change so much in such short amounts of time...yeah, it's pretty pointless.
  • Not really. I understand that only a small percent of high school relationships actually make it after high school but I know a few people who are still together after they've graduated and I met my girlfriend in health class my freshman year.
  • Yes, dating is pointless in high school but as a way of easing into a real dating situation where you are looking for someone to spend the rest of your life with, you use high school dating as a lesson of sorts. Note this does not mean that some relationships that are formed in high school wont come to frutation later on but we are just practicing!!!
  • dating is usually pointless in high school, other than fun/sex
  • some relationships continues even after high school. some might go to the same college if they have the same interests. some finds it like an experience and hopes to see that person again in the future.
  • High school is were kids get there first experiacne of relationships and maybe for some how much love sucks
  • it all depends on the intentions.i heard a story once about a girl that met this guy at 14 and started a then,two years pass and they have their first kiss! finally theyre 18 and get married.they took it SLOW no lie and now its been 36 years and they believe they made the right decision-dont you?as long as you see women for more than simple short term wants,dating at our age is pretty medeocre.
  • i really think its all really stupid cuz like seriously all the guy wants is to get in the girls pants and in most cases the girl just ends up getting hurt cuz guys just leava went someone better comes along
  • No ive been dating a girl for 10 months and i love her and really am gonna be pissed next year when i have to go to college, you just have to find someone you actually like. I mean come on lol idk any other girl that will sing funk music with me in the car.
  • Quite the opposite. It's the time to explore so you can know just what it is you want in a relationship when you are older. Pointless is being tied down in a single comitted relationship for those high school years.
  • You must get those first dates in to get the experience you will need throughout your life, so I don't believe it's a waste of time
  • you do get some experience with meeting people but it will not last long and dont take it seriously at all. (ps dont sleep with high school sweethearts just a bad idea in general).
  • No not pointless at all, dates in high school may not turn out to be your true love but it helps give you experience with kissing, dealing with issues, etc. so you are ready for it all when you do get into a serious relationship later on.
  • well, my wife and I started dating in high we are married and well on our way to our 14 year anniv. with 3 great no, its not any time you could meet your soulmate.
  • Pointless for some if they're getting none ;)
  • no, dating in highschool can be like practice for future relationships you spend 4 yrs in highschool so you get alot of experiences and growth. a lot of people even meet their future wives and husbands in highschool. dont ever take anything for granted, you always learn something wherever you are even if you were horrible student back then and now. you know you learned and experienced something.
  • No, in fact its probably the time it most counts. Its the time when you get to experience love numerous times and get good at it. You will probably experience your most memorable relationships there too.
  • Absolutely not! I think it's the first start of a very important process! It's those relationships that help mold our ideas/visions of our perfect mate. Each new relationship is a learning process and you'll learn more about you and what you want out of a partner with each one!
  • If the person doesn't end up being your soul mate who you marry, and your parents are too strict to let you have sex, then yes.
  • Well its not pointless! Chances are you will not be with them for the rest of your life. But it will give you somebody you can always talk to, go out with on a friday night, or just phone for no reason. But Dont get a gf/bf for just those reasons. You both have to be on love with each other for 1 thing,or els your relasion ship wont last. Being in a relasionship comes with a lot of responcibilities. You also have to know when your in a bad relasionship and be able to get out of it. So no I think its not pointless
  • not at all. I think it gives you experience.
  • well it helps you learn what you want and what you dont as you begin to turn into an adult. but just remember there will be lots of new people in college and so on... but love is love, no matter where or when you find it

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