• "Postage, Handling and Shipping" costs. I do buy stuff from Ebay if the PSH isn't too high though.
  • Sometimes I buy in stores because I need something quickly. Generally though, I end up buying in stores because both myself and my partner work between the hours of 7.30am and 7pm, so there isn't anyone to sign for parcels and I can't rely on my neighbours to take in a parcel. They often end up in the mailing offices which are miles away and are only open during office hours. It can be such a hassle and often turns out to be quicker and cheaper to buy in store!
  • Sometimes you just need the tangible-factor that online shopping cannot provide.
  • I always buy online especially with lving in rip off Britain,i have saved loads of money buying off USA sites and will continue to do so:-)
  • I don't have a credit card. It takes time to deliver the order. Things look different than they do online (color, shape, material). I like shopping.
  • Most anything that I feel more comfortable visually checking out first or trying on.

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