• A lot of black people don't speak so well.
  • well said. you've got my points.
  • Maybe because people are having a hard time getting past the lies and deceitfulness that Clinton oozes to notice how well she speaks when she is lying.
  • In regards to Barak Obama, he is a powerful speaker, erudite, inspired and inspiring. He stands head and shoulders above most politicians irrespective of color or gender, period. He is especially articulate when compared to the current, white-male president.
  • Because HC's words come from hired speechwriters, whereas BO writes his own speeches.
  • It's not because he's black, it's because he is a very inspirational speaker. Put frankly, Clinton isn't "well spoken" compared to Obama, not even close.
  • It's because he IS black. Let's face it, if her were white, he'd be the nobody, lie-to-your-face politican he is, but for some reason is being given a free ride by the liberal press, and scores of liberal whites who have been self-flaggelating for a hundred years in whining apology for what was done to "the blacks." When are we going to stop falling all over ourselves to see who can love them the most? When blacks outnumber whites, that's when...and THEN we'll see how liberal blacks are when the shoe is on the other foot.
  • Who says people say that about Barack Obama because he's black? His words are powerful and inspiring. It has nothing to do with his colour. If he was white and spoke the same way , people would probably say the same thing. (PS: He actually is part white).
  • I always thought Hillary was very good speaker.
  • I would not know why anybody would downrate you or flag you for your opinion that you are entitled to. I will give you 5 to prove I feel you are entitled to your opinion.
  • who cares?? they're both evil lying manipulating politicians who don't care about our individual rights and freedoms. It matters not how well they speak, only what lies they tell us.
  • They're not being compared to each other; they're being compared to their predecessors in each of their jobs. Our five previous Secretaries of State have been eloquent diplomats and extremely talented public speakers. So Sena...woops, Secretary, Clinton fits right in. So that doesn't draw much notice. Exactly what one would expect of the nation's top diplomat. But as a Southern white guy, I have to say how proud I am of how MY president has been representing me, and our entire country, since taking office. (Here come the DR's, but like you I don't care.) What an incredible breath of fresh air -- and it's really nice being able to watch CNN without gripping the arms of my chair and gritting my teeth. Admittedly, I am somewhat prejudiced on this point. We both went to Harvard. It's that old school ties thing slipping in. If I'm taking pride in the work President Obama is doing, and it makes anyone feel better to attribute that to Ivy League solidarity -- so be it.
  • I don't consider President Obama well spoken, when he doesn't have a tele-prompter he stutters, and says uh, ah, uh, repeatedly. He is not well spoken at all.
  • Hillary Clinton is not the President of the US, Obama is. Also, nobody is comparing Hillary to Bush but everybody in the world is comparing Bush and Obama
  • Joe Biden: "I mean, you got the FIRST mainstream African-American who is ARTICULATE and BRIGHT and CLEAN and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man."
  • Obama is not well-spoken. All he is does is stutter and say uh-uh-uh-uh-uh.
  • We just don't see Hilary as often.
  • Honestly, I think you are making racial assumptions. Obama is an exceptional and inspiring speaker - it has nothing whatsoever with his color. Bill Clinton was closer to that league than Hillary, who from the little I've heard is more direct.
  • He speaks better than you do....someone of color? What are we in 1908? We make a big deal because he's very well spoken. He's way more well spoken than any president I've seen. (Although that's not saying much) and this little line..."I don't care who downrates me or flags me either!" makes me think you're just trying to get downrated, flagged, and piss people off. But I'm not Bill O' Reilly sir, and I have something that Republicans do not have. It's called composure. So therefore, I will not downrate you. Because I'm not a douchebag Republican.
  • Why? Because no matter what else anyone might think of her, she's not that great an orator. Obama is. Simple as that. No need to look for hidden nasties. +5
  • He say uhh to many times to be a good speaker ask any speech teacher what a good speaker sounds like and what errors bad speakers make.
  • I would suggest that this question be archived, if such a feature existed. It's always heartening when one of Obama's detractors actually admits to being racist. "Niggas be good at talkin'." Truly an American hero.
  • Forget what the man says or whether you agree or not. Obama is more articulate and better spoken than most politicians. That's what got him elected. He's in the same league as our other great communicator President Ronald Reagan. Hillary is an articulate speaker but lacks the cadence and charisma of Obama.
  • Obama is the most articulate and fluent American president I have ever heard, and I have lived long enough to have heard a few. He has a natural feeling for language. And why is it so many Americans seem to bring things back to skin colour? It seems a really unhealthy obsession.
  • What ARE you talking about? Hillary Clinton is known world wide to be a brilliant public speaker. Its a given by everyone who has heard even one of her speeches. Because a woman has a talent why does that have to take away from Obama having the same gift? He has a different manner of speaking, but it is just as effective. He is thoughtful and centered and clear. I'm sure he could talk a much more fact filled, intelligent speech, if he had an audience gifted enough in the brain department to comprehend. He does not have this little perk, unfortunately. He's talking to morons in a zoo and I'm ashamed to be represented by most of my "fellow" idiot Americans.
  • Barack Obama's vernacular does NOT get attention due to him being black, it does so for the simple fact that he deserves it. All politicians are articulate, at least more than average, and so it is actually his passion and delivery that draws the most notice. Whilst you may not feel Clinton's speaking gets deservant praise, she is most certainly renound for being one of the most intelligent people in American politics.
  • BHO has a very melodic voice
  • It's not because of his race, it's because of the contrast principle. He appears particularly eloquent because we had a very inarticulate president for the last 8 years. As for Hillary, she is obviously a highly intelligent and well-spoken person, but her abrasive personality rubs some people wrong.
  • There are many people in politics of all races, genders, ages, etc. who are well spoken. If someone were to compile a list I believe it would be subjective to a point.
  • President Obama has a great sounding voice. . Unlike either of the Bushes, or Carter, or Ford, President Obama is an orator. . You mentioned Hillary Clinton. She isn't an inspiring speaker at all. Her husband was only somewhat good, but Hillary is actually unpleasant to listen to and doesn't think well on her feet.

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