• Enclosed in the western end of the Kunlun Mountains, according to the book "Lost Horizon."
  • It is an alternative dimension that is reserved for haruka and noein in the sci fi anime noein.
  • in Malibu, great recording studio run by a truly remarkable man called Blaine.It is the best analogue studio ever.
  • It is not so much a location as it is a state of being ... it is "arrived" at by achieving a very specific level of consciousness and awareness ... somewhat like the levels of "Nirvana" or "Akashia" ... it is a step in the process of enlightenment. .
  • Just down the alley. Third building on the left. The ladies there are very helpful.
  • According to the book Lost Horizon it is a sort of Utopia enclosed in the western end of the Kunlun Mountains forming the northern rampart of the plateau of Tibet. I know it's mythological, but because of the book, I always envisioned it being (theoretically) in Tibet.
  • Shangri La is suppose to be a mythical place that is said to exist in/on an alternate plane of reality. Only spiritual adepts can see it. It is loosely based on Shambala. In Tibetan Buddhist tradition, Shambhala (also spelled Shambala or Shamballa) is a mythical kingdom hidden somewhere beyond the snowpeaks of the Himalayas. It is mentioned in various ancient texts, including the Kalachakra Tantra[2] and the ancient texts of the Zhang Zhung culture which pre-dated Tibetan Buddhism in western Tibet. The Bön[3] scriptures speak of a closely-related land called Olmolungring.

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