• A sign on your back that says "I LOVE CHENEY. PLEASE DON'T SHOOT ME, DICK!"
  • Jeans & a sweatshirt?
  • Ear protectors for sure, if nothing else.
  • A dear outfit with a bullseye wouldn't be a good idea I guess. If you're shooting don't wear anything too tight and nothing with anything hanging off. You're female....if you have a big bust wear something that will hold them in so they don't get in the way, seriously. Be comfortable and make sure your sleeves are tighter around your wrists. Jeans with a military type top. Since military clothes are basically meant to shoot weapons in. Anything that one of the guns appendages won't catch on, like a nappy material. A sweatshirt might be too loose. A normal blouse type shirt and a warm vest if it's cold out might be a good idea. Any hunting type clothes is good. Best bet is to go to a store that sells clothes for hunters and gun people and get a good idea or look through some online catalogs. Either buy something or pick some thing out you have that looks similar.
  • Ear and eye protection, confidence, a calm aura, some clothes and you may want to make sure you have plenty of insurance and someone covering your 6!

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