Viognier, the grape, is a rare varietal brought to Condrieu, on the northern RhΓ΄ne, over 2,000 years ago by the Greeks or Romans. It was only planted in California a mere 20 years ago. It is now predominantly found in the RhΓ΄ne valley and California. Viognier is extremely difficult to grow and therefore is only used by few vineyards. Viognier is becoming a favored white wine, as its depth of character and complexity is greater than the current white favorite, Chardonnay. Viognier is noted for spice, floral, citrus, apricot, apple and peach flavors. It typically produces medium bodied wines with relatively high acids and fruit. Typically, the younger the Viognier the better - aging allows the fruity medly and the aromatic strength of Viognier to fade away.
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