• Most mouthwashes and rinses are for use after brushing. Why? Because brushing removes the ingredients in mouthwash from your teeth, reducing effectiveness. There are, however, dental rinses that one uses before brushing to loosen plaque and food particles. Having said that, here is an interesting page I found that contains some other information about mouthwash: While you sleep, less of your cleansing saliva flows, so bacteria in your mouthβ€”the ones that form plaque and cause gingivitis (gum disease)β€”start working overtime. That's why you wake up with that yucky-smelling morning breath. Mouthwashes contain active ingredients that kill bacteria and prevent them from attaching to your teeth. How to choose a mouthwash: Most brands are marketed as antiseptic. That's simply another way of saying that they kill germs. Consider the following: -Fluoride rinses help fight cavities by hardening your teeth's outer enamel surface. Reach offers a children's fluoride rinse that comes in bubble gum flavor. -Antiplaque rinses use a variety of ingredients to loosen and detach plaque from tooth surfaces above the gumline. -Smoker's mouthwashes dissolve and remove stubborn tobacco tar stains from your teeth. They seem to work well using glycerin (oil), and salt-based ingredients (sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium benzoate) in an alcohol and water-based solution. -Natural mouthwashes are typically alcohol- and sugar-free. Many use baking soda as a natural abrasive to remove stains, plus pure mint oils or ginger for flavoring. How to use a mouthwash -Swish or gargle with a mouthwash for about 30 seconds, then spit it out (don't swallow!) -Don't eat or brush for a half-hour after using a mouthwash. -Dental professionals recommend using a fluoride rinse only once a day; you can use a mouthwash more often. Other Notes: -Most mouthwashes contain alcoholβ€”and some concentrated brands are up to 75 percent alcohol. Keep them out of reach of small children. - -And if you're pregnant or nursing a baby, don't use mouthwash. -Don't swallow mouthwash: Spit it out. If someone swallows mouthwash accidentally, seek professional help, or contact a Poison Control Center immediately. -Some mouthwash ingredients (chlorhexidine and cetylpyridinium chloride) may cause teeth staining.
  • Read the directions, the ones I've used have recommended after - brush, rinse, mouthwash.
  • Usually after but I sometimes rinse vigorously before as well as after. Listerine is strong enough to just use after.
  • i use it after

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