• Because of stupidity, arrogance and greed.
  • I personally think it is in the human nature to look at people who look, act, or sound different than you in a different way. I think there are extreme forms of it but everyone has the seed in them. If that makes any sense.
  • I believe it is human nature. As one group achieves almost equality society picks another group to be prejudge. I also believe no group will ever stop at equality and will strive for the advantage.
  • Because it clearly does, even in forms people don't realize are racism! Try to be a white person, driving through the ghetto. Alot of people automatically will assume you are a cop or a junkie. I have been to a wedding reception in "the hood". While walking from the parking lot of the rec center to the hall inside where the reception was held, I saw a good example. When a black guy walked in front of the benches out front, no one said anything. When I did ( being white) the kids on the bench started screaming " five -oh"! and ran away. Affirmative action is racism as well, however backwards from what people normally think of. Things started being less about merit and ability, and more about having to have so many people from each race in the workplace or school. It should all be based on merit and ability, not skin color. If my child, being white, gets a 4.0 in high school, I do not want them being bumped out of their school of choice because the school has to have a certain number of other races in it, so they bump my child for another of different skin color with a 2.8 GPA. It needs to stop being about skin color entirely. That question should be removed from all government, educational, and work related documents. ( except in medical cases, where being a certain race can make you more likely to have a certain affliction, or afflictions)
  • In the world, yes; though it's often more a matter of religious intolerance whitewashed as a racial issue.
  • Absolutely. I don't think it will ever completely dissapear.
  • I, too, have begun to think that it boils down to human nature, unfortunately. It seems that every group needs some other group to hate or use as a scapegoat (why their group doesn't "have" and another group does "have"). I think greed and ignorance do play into the equation but the biggest problem is the fear of not having enough mentality. There won't be enough for me and my group unless another group is out of the picture. There is enough to go around if people would stop focusing on lack.
  • people need excuses to come up with reasons why they think they're better than one another. - it's arrogance people need excuses to come up with reasons for not understanding others - ignorance peopl need excuses to come up with reasons to think that "people are equal" if you're just like them - stupidity
  • Racism isn't racism,so to speak..its just not me ism..personally i like everyone till i have reason not to..most people nowadays just don't like other people till they have reason to..its mostly people it the guy next door or the people from the next town,region or country...unfortunately its human nature and may never change:(
  • Some people don't like others, because they're 'different' from each other.
  • I think it's natural. No matter how humanitarian you think you are, everyone is a tiny bit racist. Everyone at one point in their life will make a racist comment without even realizing it until the targetted is in your presence. Not to mention, the TV is racist itself. It portrays black people as just "Yo yo" rap people who can't speak English to save their lives and just want to listen to rap and murder people because they're black and 'gansta'. Far from the truth.
  • Because I've seen racism with my own eyes and I've heard it with my own ears.
  • Unfortunately, yes.
  • competition.... competition for dollars or Gold. People who use hypenated names are jealouse of those who don't or have another name different from theors. When Barak Obama started his quest for the Democratic Candidate position, He almost immediately played "the Race card". It cannot be taken back ait has served him well.He has formed a Cult who believes everyone is after him. He lies and they deny it. Obama is not alone but it brings out the worst in everyone on his side and the otherside as well.
  • old habits die hard. we are taught to focus on our differences instead of our simmilarities. everyone wants to feel superior, whoever writes the history makes themselves the frontrunner.
  • Because, generally, it is a taught trait. Ignorance runs rampid when fueled with narrow mindedness.
  • All "isms" exist in the minds of men who create them.
  • Because we are humans. Not perfect. My 2 cents.
  • because of stereotypes.
  • dogs will always try to bite into cats and cats will always try to bite into mice. and btw, I hypnotized my cat. I said you are a dog now what do you want to do? He said he wanted to DEVOUR 5 cats!
  • Ask Obamanation why!
  • <~~~ Pastey
  • Because it is nature to be wary of things or people that are different from ourselves. Once we know them everything is fine . We realise that the differences are just superficial.
  • Because Humans will always believe thy are better then another race or person. It's close to second nature. It's wrong, it shouldn't exist, but it does.
  • unfortunately, yes. intolerance and ignorance seem to be a constant in history. racism exists the world over. im usually quick with the comebacks, but when im the victim of racism, sometimes im totally speechless. my inside voice says, "oh my god...they still make you?" in my own personal experience, ive been told in recent years to go back to my own country (im an american! and am part korean and part caucasian) by a white person. and a black man standing on the corner watching me honk at a driver that was taking f...o...r...e...v...e...r... to turn right, shouted for me to drive that shit back to Nam. i think the best way to combat racism is to be the change you wish to see in the world. fight the good fight.
  • too many souls in heaven, too little in hell.
  • There are many reasons it still exists ranging from ignorance to the unpopular truth that racism is sadly profitable. Leaders, media, and sadly some religions go pretty far to make sure racism stays alive. :)
  • No! The world is a beautiful place where we connect and relate to each other on a mental and spiritual level. I don't think racism exist I think that people are loving and never judge someone or have preconcieved ideas about someone of another race. if we see a chinese person wer assume that they speak french, if we see a Russian we assume that they speak Jamaician, we see a black man and we assume that he is a classical compser and not into rap. We all really connect on a mental level it's all about love.
  • Yes it does, it is very unfortunate, and at times it seems like things are getting better, but it is still around!
  • Racism exist because the media sends out the wrong signals. Our parents reinfornces prejudices into us and then we don't give anyone a chance! I have come across many situations where I have met white racist and they and I have become good friends! It's all about communication and breaking down barriers
  • It sure does, and that is a disgrace of human kind.
  • Ignorance and fear...
  • I'll only speak to this relative to my country but certainly racism is alive and well in much of the world. 95% of black people in the United States are for Obama. A large percentage of those interviewed freely admit their primary reason for voting for him is that he is black. Many more middle eastern residents in the U.S. have felt the sting of racism since 9/11, even those who are as American as can be, and were just as upset by the attacks as their fellow countrymen. There are many more examples.
  • Look under a rock, you'll still find a redneck there.
  • yes it does...I dont think there will ever be time without racism in this world which is sad.
  • I think it's kept alive by our bad habit of lumping a whole race or religion into categories, and then labelling them. Instead of looking at all mankind as what they are, our fellow humans, or our brothers and sisters, we tend to think of them as 'those people'. It really isn't hard to imagine the whole world living in harmony and peace, if we could just get rid of all the labels we have for others. There should be only one label if any - mankind. No matter what color, religious belief or culture, we should all be the same label. When it comes down to it, we all have the same requirements to live. Food, shelter, love to name a few. What difference is there really between any people?
  • “Elections 2008: Racism Revived What has occurred at McCain/Palin rallies is appalling and reprehensible. A country that brags about freedom and justice for all, but allows itself to be divided by prejudice and hate, embarrasses the desire to be leaders of the world. We are reputed to have a superior education system, yet we exhibit unfathomable ignorance. At this time, 232 years into the history of the longest living democracy in the world, having this dichotomy blare through a presidential campaign should bring us to a screeching halt to examine our national and individual souls. The undertow of prejudice in this country has spilled from race to include religion and ethnicity. Now the Republican candidates have reached into this cesspool to try to gain votes in this election. Smiling and carrying on with their speeches when "kill him," "traitor," "treason," "off with his head" are shouted from the audience gives the patina of approval to the seeds of bigotry and hatred that lead to a mob mentality. Their actions are unconscionable and amoral. Where is our memory? Don't we remember how many have been murdered because of this kind of insanity? Where is our indignation that hate and violence are nurtured by these candidates? How can we not raise our voices in response, to avert the inevitable result when mob mentality is let loose? Indeed, the Republican candidate for president must take action immediately to put the lid back on this Pandora's Box before violence erupts. If anyone is injured as a result of the actions of his campaign, the burden is directly on his soul and conscience. As a nation, it behooves us to take responsibility, each of us as individuals, to unite as one nation against what these candidates have unleashed. We are a proud and tolerant Nation. Let's prove it”. Mary Beth Jost
  • Yes. And it adversely affects everyone regardless of skin color or nationality. I don't believe racism will ever go away as a result of man efforts. But I'm religious, so I expect God to intervene.
  • yes, it does
  • No!! Racism across the world was swept away when America elected an African-American president!!
  • of course it does..its everywhere.
  • fear people are scared to move on because change is hard it forces you to try new things think about it letting go of something that gives you peace but change is your friend it opens new adventure and makes you better
  • Because people feel better when they tell themselves they're better than someone else.
  • It's simple really...Hate exsists and people need something or some one or a group of some ones to blame thier problems on aslo bigotry is taught from one generation to the next. and people are different from one another at least in aperance and people tend to fear what they do not know
  • I think I would be ignorant to believe otherwise. I'm not sure it will ever go away unless everyone interbreeds and starts to look the same. However, I will wish for a world in which it does and color or gender no longer defines the person but the person defines the person!
  • I'm afraid that it still does exist and likely will never go completely away. It has always been a wonder to me how people can train their children to hate someone because of the color of their skin. It is truly sad.
  • I don't have to think about it. I know for a fact it does and it is ugly and stupid for anyone left on this planet to be that way.
  • Where have you been?
  • Duh? There was like 6 people that had plans to assassinate Obama that the government stopped.
  • No. I don't think stupid questions exist, either.
  • Racism does still exist. Any time a decision or judgment is made based on a person's race, that is racism. It's racism even if the judgment is a positive one. "Asians are sure good at math" is a racist statement. It is a judgment based upon a person's color. The good thing is, many nations these days do not have government policies supporting racism. This is an improvement over 50 years ago.
  • Racism exists because not all people are equal and that's fact. A man in africa lives in a mud hut, a man in america could live in a mansion, to say the man in the hut is equal to the man in the mansion is ridiculous and an utter lie, the sooner people realize this the better.
  • Hell yeah.
  • Racism will always exist. The reason it exists, is you will constanly have people being raised into it. And you will always have people using it as a tool. I'd like to see it gone, just like everybody else. Fact is there will always be one person trying to keep it alive, and if there's not, there will be one person who won't let it die.
  • Lack of common-sense, lack of conscience, and major stupidity.
  • Are you from Planet Earth?!!
  • Because people are jealous of the white race.
  • Because everyone only loves their own.
  • Go to WIKIPEDIA and look up IQ and race. Guess who scores near the bottom of the list.. The smarter you are, the more you realise that you are superior to certain people.. I'm white, but white people score lower on IQ tests than orientals, so I'm the 2nd most superior :)
  • oh and because of the government forcing diversity/multi-culturalism on people

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