• Nope. The struggle will go on for a long, long time. Who even knows if equality will ever be reached in this country. There will always be political and social hurdles for all blacks and Obama to overcome, and they are too deeply rooted in white American culture. But, if Obama does becomes president, it will be a significant step in the never-ending struggle for equality.
  • The election of a black president doesn't end the struggle for equality. The struggle ends when people are just seen as people, not whites, not blacks, not Asians, not Latinos.
  • You'd think so, but none of the previous milestones has earned much, if any, recognition. I suspect the "civil rights struggle" will continue, perpetuated by people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, who just happen to be making millions of dollars from it.
  • It is a step forward, but the struggle continues. It takes more than a person being President or distinguished for prejudices that have existed for many centuries to disappear.
  • I think the biggest inequality in the USA is based more on soci-economic level and not race.
  • The civil rights struggle will most likely never end. There are aspects of the government that most don't even consider. Did you know that the right to vote that we all take for granted is not a guarenteed right to blacks in the US. Its never been made law and if the amendment is not renewed by the president every few years, blacks in this country will loose the right to vote. As a black man... I find this to be a troubling situation, and it's things like that... that most don't even know about, that ensure that this struggle to be equal will never happen until we can all stop seeing skin color, religion, Politics, gender, Sexual orientation and learn to just see people.
  • Theres still going to be the issue of equality though...
  • No. I think that people will try to go back to ignoring racism but that's gonna be a very hard thing to do. If he gets elected, it's gonna seriously piss off every full blooded and undercover racist in America.
  • Him being there, and the success available for all, not just blacks in this country, means the goals set were met long ago. However, until race will be an almost complete non-issue, there is still work to do. In our day to day, I don't believe race to be a front burner issue. We all interact with those of different races all day, and who cares? Same with gender. If Senator Obama would have been considered the 44th President if he won, that would have been a great leap. Instead, he'd be considered the first black President. Not his doing. Until recent events, he took the high road and kept race out of his campaign.
  • I agree, certain people want us to think it's about race. What most people fail to realize is that A rich white person and a rich black person have far more in common then a poor white person or vice versa. People want us to stay blind to this.
  • Not at all. One person doing well does not mean that all people are doing well. Until inequality is defeated at all levels, then AFrican Americans have not reached their goal.

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