Sure. Go to a store that sells lots of DVDs like Best Buy and you will find tons of DVDs there.
Yes it is. Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon and Sailor Moon were all huge in the 90s, at least in Australia and other anime are popular now too.
My two little girls love anime, especially "Sailor Moon", and THEY'RE Japanese (well, part Japanese, part Chinese, as I am). But you're right, it's hugely popular outside Japan. I think people like novelty.
Just because you are not Japanese doesn't mean you can't like Japanese things.
in japan the kids watch the real thing with the partial nudity and curseing butits like a normal every day thing for them like the kids in america watch spongebob and other little kid cartoons. the only differance is there kids are more mature to watch what we consider PG-13 or OT-16.
Oh yes!
I don't know, but there is one thing that I do know and that is I have am ass of friends that love anime and I happen to be a huge fan of anime and manga ^^
Anime is very popular all over the world. It just so happens that Japan is the culture hearth and has the really good stuff! ^_^
1) Anime and manga are very popular in several countries outside Japan, especially in France. They are not read by everyone, but they have a lot of fans anyway. The reason why many non Japanese people ask those questions on AB is probably because there are not so many Japanese people on AB (and those are not necessarily anime or manga interested). 2) "Manga, or Japanese comics, have been translated into many different languages in different countries including Brazil, Korea, mainland China, Taiwan, France, Germany, Mexico, Italy, and many more. In the United States, manga is a small but growing industry, especially when compared to the inroads that Japanese animation has made in the USA. An example of a manga publisher in the United States is VIZ Media, the American affiliate of publishers Shogakukan and Shueisha. They have many popular titles such as Dragon Ball, One Piece, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Fullmetal Alchemist,Bleach and the various works of Rumiko Takahashi. The UK has fewer manga publishers than the U.S." "France is noted for having a particularly strong and diverse manga market. In the 1990s, France became the second country, after Japan, reading manga worldwide. Many works that are published in France fall into genres that aren't well represented outside of Japan, such as adult oriented drama, or experimental and avant-garde works." Source and further information:
Viz also does the magazines Shonen Jump, and Shojo Beat in the US and here in Canada... I can't honestly say the introduced me to manga (that was .hack/LOT), but they are amongst the greatest ones for manga series chroniclization... another big company for manga is TokyoPop
Definitely!Our Country, Malaysia has Animax to boost up the animation side. But even before Animax came in, anime has been quite well known in Asian countries decades ago. And with the internet these days, it definitely a treat to all of us Anime fans=D As for manga, it has arrived in Asian countries much earlier and in conclusion...anime and manga is really popular worldwide!^^
Anime has been popular here in the States since the 70s with cartoons imported from Japan called GetaRobo, Raiden and Dai Apolon to name a few. Even before that, in the early 60's Astro boy, Kimba the White lion, Gigantor and the Amazing 3 were imported from the heart of the Anime culture. Anime is huge business and continues to expand globally every year. Poke'mon, Naruto, DragonBall Z, One Piece and many others are shown here well after the series have ended, but continue to remain popular with trading card games, conventions and so on. Even now.. there is a new Batman series coming to television I think.. the will be done in Anime style and promises to be very dark and maybe even quite graphic with violence, a staple in classic anime.
Absolutely. In Japan it's not really a big deal to watch Japanese cartoons, right? To them, it's really just cartoons. It's an art style like anything else, and alot of people tend to like Japanese cartoons.
i'm in Singpore and manga and anime is BOOMING here!! i mean like A LOT of people in s'pore r head over heals over manga and anime!!
I've talked to many people outside of Japan (thanks to a certain site). Anime and manga are, indeed, popular outside of Japan, although it doesn't mean that it's a mainstream for most people in many countries. What everyone tends to forget is that it's all about storyline. It doesn't matter if it's anime, manga, or even a ghost story! As long as you have good deliverance on it, we'll eat it up like delivery pizza. =D
Anime and manga is popular in a lot of places for its unique nature, whatever you want to attribute to it. The beauty of it is that you can include whatever subject you want in it, from caveman to space operas, and you'll always have the styles and genres which made it famous. It's usually of extreme quality as far as artwork goes, so it's easy to like, especially since there's subjects for everyone. Intensity, artwork and complete nonsensical stuff all mixed into one makes it hard to get bored, even if some people find it mundane after a bit. Feudal Japan and God? Check. Future age battles against resurrected Nazis? Check. Vampires and hot chicks? Check. Schoolyard drama? Check. Gays and lesbians trying too get fresh with each other? Check. Hamsters and kitties? Definitely. Naked girls riding giant robots and controlling their attacks with their mere thoughts in relation to their philosophical viewpoints on God and these attacks being generated by their principles and what makes them wrong or correct? You bet. They also have this thing for intense story telling and keeping the suspense going. Include weird ass or very normal but excellently well established plot twists, love triangles and sometimes even more, characteristically drawn wise mumbo jumbo and Japanese humour we don't get but laugh at anyways as well as flashy words and characters and attacks and imaginative monsters and cute things. A schoolgirl who was given the brain of a cat? Imagine what zany episodes you can get. Or a boy deciding which live puppet he's going to go out with. Freaky. Not to mention the darker side it spawned, like hentai, which has countless fans. It's not completely obscure, but not quite mainstream either. It's like a revival of the stagnant comic book and Saturday morning cartoons concept, and made universal. It's fixing what Power Rangers did wrong, even thought that comes from original Japanese concepts, too. I personally find it hard to locate entertaining anime and manga, as its guidelines are so damned unique (Mechs, displaying of emotion through facial expressions, fucked up stories that would have Nietzsche scratching his head, schoolgirls, ninjas, violence, sickeningly cute stuff, gravity defying physics, abnormal hair.) that it all seems the same. But I'm not really a fan anymore, so I probably haven't seen a whole lot of it, not really fair for me to say that. But if you think it's popular here, you should see in Japan. It's absolutely INSANE. If you don't know what coseplay is, then you're a lucky person. If you think you know what it is, go look up some pics of someone who made a Patlabor mech costume or some custom made Alucard shades. There's a lot cheating too, like the association of the looks or concept with Western entertainment, like false anime such as the revamping of Sailormoon, DragonBall Z or Pokemon, or role playing games. Still, interesting either way. A lot of it is cliché, but people love good recipes. There was a time in my teenage days that I was convinced no other form of entertainment was worth even paying attention to if the characters didn't have big eyes. I got bored of it quick, but that's not to say that only kids like it. Lots of full grown adults are completely obsessed anime fanatics. It's cute and freaky at the same time. The anime fan base can get annoying though, and I sometimes wonder if most people not familiar with it recognize anime more by its fans then by the actual source. :/
Sadly, yes... Looks like there's not much we can do about it
Yes! Anime/manga are really popular outside Japan! I think beside sushi and video game, the next thing makes ppl think about Japan is anime/manga. =D
It has a fair cult following in America; but I'm of the opinion that anime enjoys a mystique that's far in excess of the quality of the actual product...
I know plenty of people in person who love anime and I live in Canada.
Anime is popular in almost every country in the world.
YES YES YES more people in us like Anmie and Manga it is soo popular have you ever been to a Anime Con ther is so many people ther! I like the Japeness version better the Dub.
I love it, but im only 1/4 japanese . My second cousins in Japan loves it too . we all adore hiyo miyozaki films too
Yes, it is popular all over the world. Since many countries produce no animation of their own, anime was their first exposure to the art form. However, of the many Japanese people I have met are fans of anime, most of them said they watched it as children, but that's about it.
There are most likely more anime fans in the USA than Japan or anywhere else for that matter.
its not as popular in the UK as us british fans would like we are fighting a battle to get it shown on tv so we have to rely on dvd's and illegal sites tis a shame as many of us love it
duh as you see anime is really popular everywhere
Yes, try the famous Gundam, Slam Dunk, Blade of The Immortal, Naruto etc which sold millions of copies worldwide [mostly in Asian countries]
anime and maga is popular as outside
I'd say it's not popular, it's beyond popular.
Not really, anime has always been a niche market, its just the base/exposure of anime and the fandom in general is growing. Seeing the questions on here it seems most would fall under the casual fan in that most questions spring from shows that can be viewed on cable television. Until you get to the dub vs sub debate, which, really shouldn't be happening. I mean we've moved from VHS which could only be one or the other to DVD which could and has done both....
i know tons of people from south america and europe that watch it. its on regular cartoon channels just like it is here. sometimes, they even show real japanese movies. its way more popular than you can imagine - if you've only lived in one country.
Yes and No. Anime is something your into if your into it, but by and large more anime is aimed towards children (at least in the USA).
Actually yeah it is especially in Europe,U.S.,Germany mainly all over.
yes manga is popular evn outside of japan
Of course! People love anime/manga because it has quality and is better than most cartoons. (save classics)
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