• It depends on the state, in which you live and laws that govern bicycles. But, here is a general, overall law that effects most bicycles and its riders. some states require helments, some do not. always wear a helment for your safety. laws governing bicycles and the rules of the road, apply just like driving an automobile. ride on the right side of the road, give turn signals, lights and reflective clothing to be scene, and remember the only law difference, between a bicycle and an automobile is registration. bicycles do not have to be registered. Riding a bicycle, on the road, requires common sense and being always on the defensive for drunk drivers. your visibility is about 1/10th of an automobile. bicycles are hard to see, especially at night. I know of no traffic law that forbids two-wheelers on the freeway. its written on a sign at the entrance ramps, but study has yet to discover a law that backs the freeway sign.
  • First of all, by highway, I am going to assume that you mean a freeway. There is a difference. Freeways are always at least four lanes and have no cross traffic. That is, roads that cross freeways do so using either under or overpasses so as not to interfere with the traffic on the freeway. Additionally, freeways must have some kind of median separating the lanes carrying traffic in one direction from the lanes with traffic going the opposite direction. On the other hand, highways can be only two lanes, can have cross traffic, and don't have to have opposing traffic separated by anything more than a line painted down the middle of the road. A freeway is a special type of highway, but a highway is not necessarily a freeway. It is usually freeways where there are restrictions as to the type vehicle that can be driven on them. That clarified, the general rule is that if there are surface streets that the bicyclist can use instead of the freeway to get where he is going, then he may not ride on the freeway. For example, if you are within an urban area, then there are usually surface streets that a bicyclist can take to get to just about any location in that city. Such streets may not be quite as direct or convenient, but they are available. So, in urban areas bicyclist are not allowed on freeways. On the other hand, in between urban areas, there may be not other streets that the bicyclist can use. So, they are permitted to use freeways to get between cities. In California (where I grew up), in urban areas, the freeway onramps usually have signs specifically stating that bicycles aren't allowed on the freeways. The on ramps at the edge of towns on the out of town bound lanes, however, lack these signs. However, the off ramps for the townward bound lanes in those same places will have signs telling bicyclist that they must exit the freeways at those point. So, if there is a reasonable alternative to the freeway that the bicyclist can use to get to his destination, then he is not permitted to and should not rid on a freeway. However, if there is no reasonable alternative, then the bicyclist may ride on the freeway. ******************* "sadin_axL: guess i did mean the freeway... didn't know the difference... where i come it's either simply 'jalan raya' (any type of road) or 'lebuhraya' (road with 2 or more lanes and tolls, :p)... thanx!" I am not familiar with those two terms. So, I should perhaps point out that the above answer applies to the United States. If you are not living in the united states, the rules could be quite different.
  • You can't ride on a freeway. You can ride on a highway, but because of your lower speed, you should move to the shoulder when a car is coming from behind. Be sure to ride on the RIGHT side, even though you may think it's easier to see oncoming traffic from the left. Left side is for pedestrians, right side is for bicycles. A rear-view mirror is almost essential for riding on a highway, and you can get mirrors that screw right onto your helmet. Most car-bicycle accidents are NOT rear-end collisions; most accidents occur at intersections.
  • Bicycles, when used on the road, become a vehicle on the road and is subject to all of the same rules, regulations, and rights as other vehicles using the road. Many times bicycles are restricted from certain roads, i.e., the interstates, (and some others) and have a sign at the entrance ramp indicating that. (I have been sent off the interstate in France, and have been fined in addition to being removed in Germany) Sometimes it is OK, depending upon the location (sections of I10 in Texas, I5 in Washington, I25 in Wyoming; 'rural' in California), but that is governed from the local, state, and national level. The Federal rule is that if no other roadway is available. (My understanding)There is always a danger of getting hit by, or colliding with, another vehicle, regardless of whether it is larger or not. The person pedaling the bicycle will almost always certainly lose in any such interaction, regardless if correct. I always give way, because I don't want to be 'dead-right'. Keep on pedaling safely, John "BIKERJOHN" Eyberg
  • Bicycles are forbidden on the interstate. common sense tells you why. Other than the above, riders of bicycles are responsible for all the rules of the road as an automobile. The only difference is registration. autos you register, bicycles you do not register. Bicylists are required to give turn signals, stop at stop signs and traffic lights. Riding on a highway is not forbidden. i would just wear plenty of reflectorized clothing for other motorists to see you.

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