• I was skating at a skate park one night by myself. I went up a ramp, and the next thing I remember is opening my eyes on the ground with my skatboard all the way across the street. I have no clue how long I was out for. Never skate by yourself!
  • I remember going unconscious. And uh... that's it. Well, I remember waking up a few minutes later.
  • The winter before last I went snowboarding in the Norwegian mountains with some friends. It was only my 2nd time out so I was obviously VERY nervous (my friends were all quite experienced and good). I was snowboarding backwards down a blue slope trying to control my speed when the back side of my board hit a ridge left by a ski-er. I flipped backwards, smashed my head and knocked myself out for about 30 seconds. I woke up face DOWN in the snow with my friends standing around me. Apparently I had flipped over and made a small dent in the snow/ice. Yes, it hurt!
  • 3 freakin times Paint ball to the Lt temp @ about 22 Softball to the temp @ 18 And nocked the back of my head after getting hit in football
  • Got swung down an embankment when I was 15 by 4 boys, (one on each limb). Broke my arm and woke up with a policeman at the side of me.
  • Yes I have, I was knocked down when I was 14 years old and can't remember anything in between getting hit and standing up. I was hit and afterwards told I was thrown about 12 feet into the air, coming crashing down on the windscreen of the car, shattering it, hit the bonet and come rolling off on to the road, all though as said I can't remember anything in between getting hit and standing up, must have only been out for a few seconds though. I had no broken bones or bruises, just a small cut on my head and a cut that needed stiches on my neck, missed my jugular centimeters.
  • I remember running in to the pole, waking up 3 minutes later with a crowd of people around me and then being carried to the nurses office.
  • i remember going down the hill on my roller boots and waking up in an ambulance.:)
  • knocked out playing rugby. I was told that after I came to, I managed to tell the referee that I would not be able to continue the game and that he would have to find a new team captain to fill my spot, I then walked to the wrong side of the field and tried to take a nap in the shade of a tree. I remember my teamates getting me up and making me walk around so I wouldn't fall asleep.
  • Sometimes people have actually been dead, even if just for a matter of seconds and never even known it.
  • I got thrown off a horse and I went flying into the grass. When I came to, the horse was being drug away from me because apparantly he tried to come down on me once he got me off. His name was Zeus.
  • I fell and went unconscious when I was pregnant at the bus stop and I don't remember falling or being unconscious all I remember is people standing around me saying are you okay and I was having a conversation with these same people before I fell down.
  • Waking up with the pins from my wedding dress fitting sticking me in the side. But that wasn't really "knocked" that was just unconscious. And then another time, I just woke up in the hospital unable to speak because I had knocked the wind out of myself so hard that is how I felt when I came too. Still in the moment I suppose?
  • In 2005, I was in a car accident and knocked unconscious. I remember waking up briefly to hear people screaming, "Get out, The car is on fire." I vaguely remember getting out of the car and running. About 15 minutes later, I woke up in a mop closet of the hotel near the accident scene. The police thought that I was hiding in there, because they were in the process of a drug bust in a hotel room a few doors down. At that point, I barely even remembered being in a car accident. So, I said, "I'm not dealing drugs, but do you know why I am in a mop closet?" (That didn't help my case any) Finally, after my friends identified me....they took me to the hospital.
  • i was in a motorcycle accident 1 month ago and have no memory of the impact. i was thrown off the bike into a cement wall on the freeway. witnesses say i was knocked out, i dont know. i remember being in a beautiful place. no pain at all. woke up on the freeway shoulder looking at my bike and a ambulance and rescue personel. walked to ambulance. went to E.R. told a friend my experience, they said maybe i was dead.
  • I walked into a sliding glass door and came too, I don't know how much later, so yes. I have. It was gross. Painful too., Thank god nobody was around to help me.
  • Twice as a kid. Accidentally,by my Mom,having an argument with another family member,I come up,unsuspectingly-boom! I remember waking up,and not really knowing where I was and what had happened-the OTHER time,I was running after school(I always ran like a crazy person from the bus!)and tripped over a big rock,falling down right in front of my mom! Iwent out for a few seconds that time-felt kinda Woozy...!
  • I "fell" unconscious once if that counts. I was at work and all of a sudden my head hurt really bad and I was seeing like these small flashy golden dots everywhere, and next thing I know I open my eyes and I'm laying on the floor with some people around me lol.
  • In college I was the long-snapper on the football team and after snapping the ball I was running full speed down the field to make the tackle on the return man. It was on Astro-turf, the old school turf which was basically carpet on top of cement, and when the guy made a cut away from me as a turned to follow him one of his teammates blasted me in the earhole of my helmet. The hit wasn't that bad but I flew and landed with the crown of my helmet onto the turf. I was out about 30 seconds, but in my mind I only hit the ground and got up in an instant. I basically lost track of 30 seconds and had a pretty good concussion.
  • Knocked *down* once, if that counts. Via a solid punch to the face. I remember pissing off this dude... ;-)
  • No,but I got knocked so hard I saw STARS a few times!
  • Sure, I was beaten pretty good by a bunch of guys on the street; when I woke up, I had a load in my britches. They came back for an encore, and I had to jump a tanker truck to escape. The last they saw, I was hanging off the ladder in back flippin' them off.
  • i was knocked out for about 30 minutes when i was riding my motorbike at a trail ride and i can't remember anything from that day. also from what i was told i kept falling in and out of consciousness for a little while after that and fro the rest of the day i kept asking the same questions over and over again, short term memory must have been affected. then for the next day everything that i did was really cloudy in my memory (like id talk to someone and then straight after i wasn't sure if i had talked to them or not). Anyway that's my story.
  • I've never been knocked unconscious, but I did go deaf for a little while once after getting a few kicks to the head. it was on the first day of Secondary school and a couple of friends and I had to drop our bags off at our next class during a break. There were around ten or twelve older boys waiting lined up along the corridor looking at us and my friends didn't want to go, so I took their bags and began walking, getting around half-way down the corridor before they all piled onto me and started kicking and punching. Doctor Marten boots were the rage then, and I took a good few kicks from them to my body and head, and when I stood up I had gone deaf for a little while, which was scarey.
  • this is more "falling" unconscious... i was hanging out with a my friends at my friend Dan's house and i started to feel woozy and lightheaded. I told Dan that i needed to sit down. the next thing i remember was waking up (not knowing where i was at all) in a bed with everyone standing around. It was the weirdest thing ever! later on i asked what had happened and Dan told me that i was standing there and then i just fell! he said that i wouldn't wake up and my bf Jason had to carry me to dan's room... NOT a fun thing to have happen! It feels weird... what i remember is getting really flustered and actually people saying my name at first... then coming too very disoriented... (ps- i was noooottt drinking! i am only 17!)

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