Bust a cap!!!
Kick her out.
I'd ask her to pay a rent of $1,000,000
throw it all into the laundry, her too. she could fit
Let her rest, and after she's had enough sleep I'd show her the true meaning of "heaven".
ask her how she got out of the bathroom.
I'd wonder what she was doing in my bed. Then ask to borrow some money :)
Kick her out!
prepare a snack for her.after that i'll make sure the washroom is neat and tidy.if by then she is still sleeping,i will take her dog for a walk.
Tell her to please get up.
Hope I had a condom handy and wake her ass up for a little lovin. lol
Freak out and wonder what I drank last night.
Spread her legs and check to see it was REALLY her. There's a lot of imposters, you know.
The entire city of Paris France? In my bed at once? I don't think they would all fit.
strangle her
hope my wife left her there or else I have alot of explaining to do
Camera. Pictures. MONEY. Imagine how much a 1000 photo series could rake in!
tell her to give me her stash then boot her ass.
I'd probably wonder how she got there and I probably wouldn't even know who she was, even though she's famous. I'd tell her to get out of my house or I'd call the police. Maybe.
kick her butt out burn the sheets and matress fumigate the rest of the house
tell all those frenchmen to go home, the frenchwomen could stay though.
I'd force feed her and put her to work until she gets over herself somewhat.
Tell her to get up and clean my house. It's past time that that skank did some work.
Wake her up and make her shovel some snow outside or leave.
i would make her some porridge
Wake her and get her to change the sheets before she left to go to the Garden House Hotel.
I'd wrap her up in the bedding and throw the whole dirty mess in my washing machine. Then I'd hang her out on a clothes line to dry and keep the crows away. :D
get out of bed
Make sure I'm stocked up on penicillin.
I would make passionate love to her sexy legs, shoot a wad, then get rid of her.
Evict her ''post haste''.
kick her till she's out of my bed then kick her all through the house until she's out of my house....then continue to kid her into the road...far far FAR away
i would take some pics of her and sell them to the magazines for a huge amount of money and then as a bonus i would sell the nude ones of her that i took and post it all over the web for everyone to see
Charge her a hefty fee for a nights stay and then call a taxi to come get her so I could go shopping with the windfall :)
I would fix her some breakfast, and would not let her leave until she gave me her autograph.
Clean my rifle.
Boil the sheets.
Sterilize it!!!
"Is that the Eiffel Tower, or are you just happy to see me?" *Somebody whispers something* Hilton? Oh, in that case I would say "Which building is the pool located in?" *Another whisper* Oh, Paris Hilton! In that case I would lay down next to her, stoke the hair away from her ear and whisper very gently... "Move over! Your on my side!"
I guess I'd steal all their baguettes while they were asleep and toss said baguettes off the Notre Damme Cathedral while yelling "Sanctuary! Sanctuary!"
Tuck her in, tip toe out and go sleep in the other room :)
u "who's been sleeping in my bed?" ur "that's not your bed, it's mine." u "oh." ur "look's like some skanky blonde twig." u "ur right." ur "haha, that's funny, because ur sounds like you're... nevermind." u "well, what should I do?" ur "you don't know? Hmm, well I don't know either. but I know who to ask." <SHUFFLE SHUFFLE> wot "huh? what's going on?" ur "we need to know what u needs to do with this doofy skeeze sleeping in my bed. We heard you were the guy to ask." wot "ur asking me, what u would do with the skeeze in question sleeping in ur bed?" ur "yeah that's real funny, old joke already." wot "sorry. Well, I guess u needs to decide wot is more important, ur bed, or the skeeze. good night." u "Great, ur a big help." ur "u ain't lying."
Make love to her for hours and hours and hours. Keep popping a viagra tablet to keep going.
Give her her first flying lesson -- right out the eighth story window. There ain't a jury in the country that would convict me on THAT one...
Burn the bed!!! No wait Tie her up(she'd go for it) then burn the bed :) as previously stated there isn't a jury in the world that would convict!!!!
i wouldn't no what to do but my girlfriend would prob kick her ass.
I would teach the questioner how to spell properly.
Have her use a couple of Rely tampons and then tie her ankles and hang her upside down. After that, have her remove the tampon.
I would take her picture and sell it to the tabloids.
Go over to her, poke her and if I could poke her, call the police and wash my sheets.
Burn the bed, Nasty!!!
I'd ask her how she got there. Then I'd ask her why she didn't use most of her money to to some good in the world instead of acting foolish. I kinda feel sorry for her, she has the potential to be respected if had the desire.
Ask how she got there, then kick her out. (Maybe...)
Say "Eeuuuurrghhhh!" to her face. Because I'm that nice when I find people in bed I don't know. :D
Charge her rent. Or make her get me a pass for free stays at the Hiltons whenever and wherever I wanted, for life!
kick her out of the bed!
Tell her to get out of my bed.
Burn the place.
Ask her how she got in my house and give her the bill for the damage - cheeky mare!
Sleep together with her..Literally,sleep.^_^
i would say "DUDE!!! get the hell outta my house! did u get lost on your way to the bars? go get a life!"
Kick her out, burn the bed and all the linens, and send her the bill to replace it all.
put shaving cream in her hand and tickle her nose.
throw her out, change the sheets, and use lysol to kill any germs that might be there!
Tickle her back with a big eagle feather.:)
Kick her out and tell her to go work for a living and stop sucking off the family name. Oh yea, and I'd steal her purse.
Kick her out. Immediately.
i would be like omg you ugly piece of crap get out of my house
lay down a watch her sleep (and hope she doesnt wake up)
Hide until it went away and burn my sheets the next morning (maybe burn the mattress too...)
I'd let the poor thing sleep, she doesn't get much, partying all the time, and maybe she would give me lots of money for being nice to her.
climb the eiffel tower
Call the cops...what's she doing in my bed?
Look for cameras then kick her *** and throw her out!
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