The discrete energy of an orbitting electron in a particular atomic state. Electrons prefer to occupy the lowest energy levels, but may be excited (move faster, have more energy) by absorbing external energy and occupy higher energy levels. This is unstable, and an electron will "Drop" down from a higher energy level to a lower, and in doing so, release the difference in energy in the form of a photon.
"A quantum mechanical system can only be in certain states, so that only certain energy levels are possible. The term energy level is most commonly used in reference to the electron configuration in atoms or molecules. In other words, the energy spectrum can be quantized (see continuous spectrum for the more general case)." Source and further information: "The electrons surrounding the nucleus occupy a set of stable energy levels, or orbitals, and they can transition between these states by the absorption or emission of photons that match the energy differences between the levels." Source and further information:
It is also referred to as an ORBITAL (NOT orbit). It is where the electrons have the highest probability of being found. Energy levels are NOT just a circle going around the nucleus. Different energy levels (s,p,d, and f) all have shapes, with d and f having the most the complex. Energy levels only have certain energies, and are a discrete distance from the nucleus. The lower the energy level, the less energy required for an electron to "orbit". Therefore it is more desirable for electrons to occupy the lowest level.
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