• It's unhealthy so YES
  • Wrong and can kill you.
  • Bulimia is classified as an eating DISORDER, so that should tell you it is not a good thing.
  • It negatively affects your physical health, your mental health (and that of those who love you), and gives a negative image to others who you come in contact with either personally or professionally. So I would have to say yes.
  • Of course. It's a serious eating disorder that can easily lead to death.
  • Wrong in what sense? It's definitely REALLY bad/unhealthy for you and your body!
  • Yes. Not only is is horribly bad for you, but stupid.
  • It's not morally wrong, so much as -- well -- there are various horrible things that happen to your body if you continuously make yourself throw up... And it's not mentally healthy, either.
  • It's definitely not right! It is unhealthy for your mind and body. If you are suffering through this, I suggest you seek medical attention immediately.
  • i dunno if its wrong but its definetly not fun or good for you
  • Wrong and unhealthy, even deadly.
  • I sure don't know anything good about it, If something can kill you prematurely I doubt it is good or right.
  • It's wrong for you mentally but especially can kill you!
  • Of course it is - medically and morally. However, as wrong as it may be, it's nothing to be ashamed of and can be resolved - as long as you tell somebody and get a helping hand.
  • yes, emotional, physical and dentally.
  • For God's sake....yes it is horifically wrong for your physical and mental well being. Suffering from buelimia doesn't make you a bad person, it makes you a terribly unhealthy person who desperately needs help
  • depends. do you value your esophogus?
  • Being Bulimic is a Disease and there are treatment programs available in your area -- Wrong NO help is here , is having Cancer wrong ? No of course not , there needs to be more information out , so people can have a better understanding -- Great Question -- + 5 for you for your honest boldness to ask us
  • It's not that it's "wrong" in the sense that murder is wrong. It's just REALLY bad for you, and it shows some mental and personal issues that need to be dealt with. Eating disorders are really almost never about the food itself.
  • Bulimia is obviously wrong for health reasons. Aside from the health reason though bulimia is comparable to doing a recreational drug. It is very addicting. Obviously a bulimic person will experience withdrawal symptoms, but they will build a tolerance to gagging themselves, build an intolerance to the feeling of a full stomach, and constantly fiend for binging and purging. It will become the focus of everyday life -- eating as much food as you physically can and puking it all up. It reads like the back of a shampoo bottle. Bing, purge, repeat. Aside from the habit forming characteristics of it, teeth fall out, retinal blood vessels burst, fingers smell and calus, the esophagus damages, hair falls out, the digestive system becomes distorted, and many other disgusting side effects occur. Furthermore, it is not effective in losing weight usually, as you cannot always throw up the entire amount of what you eat. It is a horrible habit to dabble into and even a worse way to live. Eat healthy and live healthy and most importantly stay far far away from these disorders.
  • Stop whilst you can. Try not to binge eat
  • Well, it's not healthy, but I would never consider having a disorder 'wrong'. But if you are bulemic, I suggest you seek treatment immediately.
  • Yes. Apparently, it damages your insides. Your esophagus will be ruined. Your stomach will continue to have problems. Take it from someone who's been there.
  • It's not healthy.
  • It's wrong because it's unhealthy emotionally, psychologically, and physically. You're going to damage your esophagus with stomach acids, and probably melt away a few teeth over time. You're also going to end up melting parts of your fingers away. I'd suggest going to a counselor or at least speaking to someone about your compulsions, as soon as possible. There is NO benefit to bulimia or any other eating/dysmorphic disorder.
  • i wouldnt think of it as wrong necassarily just very stupid and you might as well be poisoning yourself slowly, you would get a similar physical response
  • I would think it's unnatural and unhealthy.
  • Being Bulimic can be about suppressed "issues" - something you literally cannot stomach in life any longer and it is one last struggle to exert control over some segment of your life, but it can also be purely an eating disorder. In my case, I had never confessed being molested as a child and when I went to college and faced my first sexual relationship-it all started coming unraveled. I not only became bulimic but anorexic-thus the term bulimiarexia. I would not eat for days then when I did-it all came back up. Bulimia is "wrong" in the sense that you are doing constant and irreversable damage to your body. There are so many natural balances in your body-electrolytes, blood sugar, dehydration, lack of vitamins/minerals, hormonal fluctuation due to lack of nutrition, and all the multitude of health issues created in your GI system and orally by the fact that you are throwing up pure stomach acid with what you have consumed. And what I speak of does not even include the bulimics who use fluid pills, diet pills, stimulants and mass quantities of laxatives....that leads into a whole other array of heath complications. There have been numerous accounts in every hospital ER (as I am now a nurse) of young girls being brought in with severe dehydration/ electrolyte imbalances which have led to a wide array of health problems- kidney malfunction, cardiac dysfunction, and even death in extreme cases. I witnessed an otherwise healthy 20 year old college co-ed die in front of me after suffering a massive heart attack due to her illness (which is what bulimia is). I would love to tell you one thing -there is hope - there is recovery - even for the worst bulimic....but most of it is up to you. Is it wrong? I would scream a resounding "YES" from the tallest mountain if I thought you would hear me. If I had known then what I know now and had resources to help me cope....I would have never put my body through what I did. I am 40 now (all childhood issues resolved) but have to live with a broken body. I have paid the price dearly, but I accept the consequences of my actions. My advice-stop before you do damage that cannot be repaired and seek any mental health help that you can to understand or resolve why you hurt yourself.
  • Of course. Its forcing your body to do something its not inclined to do naturally.Also to lose weight your body needs vitimins. You wont get them like that.
  • if you are talking about the way you spelled it, then yes, it is wrong!!!
  • um.. wrong as in sinful.. well it does go along the line of self harm, suicidal tendencies, or might be a vanity issue, pride.. but the true issue is.. IT IS DANGEROUS AND UNHEALTHY it puts huge strain on your heart and weakens you. You are more suseptable to injuries and diseases and can overtime require a heart transplant that you might be denied due to psychological issues. Eat right, be good to yourself, don`t stress the tabloids princesses, they are only promoting anorexia and disfigurement. Grown woman are not meant to have prepubescent bodies!
  • first off its "bulimic" and its terrible for you, terrbileeeee
  • First of all, it's bulimic. Second of all, absolutely.

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