• no because i value health and fitness. I work out and watch what i eat. I think there is a lack of respect for ones own body when someone overeats. We wouldn't get along and have the same beliefs in taking care of our "temple"
  • Pleasingly plump would be nice but excessively overweight would be a big turn off for me.
  • Even I have a limit and its kind of plump.
  • I would like to say that even if my boyfriend became overweight, I would still love him and I would still be with him. I have never been in a relationship with an overweight person, though.
  • If you love someone, you love them. If you could date them skinny, why wouldn't you be able to date them fat?
  • Yes. A warm and loving heart, an even, stable temperament, and personality are most important to me. Someone can always lost weight, given enough time and energy.
  • Looks are the tip of the iceberg. It's more important to me that I connect with the person and size has very little to do with it. I've never been one to overlook someone just because of their size. If someone is overweight, so what. Connection is more important.
  • Sure... Personality will win out. (BTW: BTDT!)
  • Yes. Personality is more important in the long run.
  • Funny you ask :). I dated a girl who was rather overweight once. Ironically however, she called it off herself after a while. Eventually I found out the only reason she had decided to let it go was because she herself wasn't comfortable being with a 'guy like me'... Thats the phrase she used. I still remember that because thats when I realized how much of a catch 22 this entire situation was. At the time, I was pursuing a semi professional career in Male modelling, and she knew that. Sometimes she would even come along with me to some of the photoshoots and shows, cause I enjoyed her for who she was and not what she looked like. Unfortunately alot of the people around me at the time didnt share that point of view and I reckon till this day the idea of 'beauty being only skin deep' still eludes them, regardless of all the lip-service. But then again, what would you expect from an industry where men & women are potentially granulated to mere 'cloth hangers'. Sadly within my world at the time, this gem of a girl I was dating let the surroundings & the underlying current of superficiality get to her. Even though no one ever dared to actually say anything to her in regards to her weight since I was always there, I observed that over time she herself had become very self-conscious of her image and eventually that was what came in-between what we had. She confirmed my uncertainties when I confronted her about this eventually, claiming that it doesnt do any good for either of us if we continued. When I asked her why she even cares what others think of what we look like together, she replied with "But unfortunately I do care"...pity really, she was such a babe.
  • I actually prefer to date guys who are a little on the heavier side. Hugs are nicer and softer:)
  • I love to find a woman who believes that, because I am such a person (portly, that is).
  • sure. it doesn't bother me one bit :)
  • I think I could. I would try to help them get back into shape, so they could be healthy!
  • I personally wouldn't. I am active person, and I find I look for someone who also is active in a partner.
  • I wouldn't care if they was overweight/underweight whatsoever! It's personality that counts!
  • Depends, I wouldn't date a 500 pound person. That is just saying to me that that person doesn't know how to take care of him or herself. I could date a 300 pound person, but probally not over that.
  • I could. Although I am reasonably fit and feel this is an important componant of my life, if the person had everything else I was looking for, who cares. Unless we talk about being overweight to the point of poor health or being overweight because they just don't care. That's a different story.
  • No. I hate to say it, since I like to think personality is the most important, but it's not the only thing... and a very over-weight person wouldn't be able to keep up with me. I need someone who could climb a tree with me while camping, go biking with me, etc. I've noticed over-weight people can't even keep up with my walking pace.. it would drive me crazy... not to mention the sex thing. And if they're very overweight we probably don't even eat the same food. A few extra pounds can be okay... but to the point of being very overweight... nope.
  • I never have but its personality i think. if i wasn't with anyone and i met a big guy who was very confident and had a personality open to helping himself get a little bit healthier i might.
  • If it was a case of morbid obesity, I wouldn't be able to. I worry enough and I wouldn't want to have the added worry of their health to add to it. As for just regularly overweight, I definitely could. My husband is overweight and I love how snuggly he is. <3
  • My wife is, and we started dating when she was. I'm no prize pig, no pun of offence intended, neither.
  • yes I have in the past and would do so again.
  • no. i aint into skinny girls but there is defo a limit to how big a person should be. that could be me being shallow but i dont care. if my gf became big i would tell her straight i wasnt happy with the weight gained. id also hope for the same if i ever got big. but then id worry about what others would say aswell, so if people aint affected with that then thats ok. not everyone thinks the same when it comes to that kinda thing.
  • No. As nice as they can be, I'd like to get romantically involved with someone I'm attracted to and, as harsh as it may sound, fat people are ugly.
  • I could go on *a* date, or maybe two, with them. Seriously date them? Probably not. Being physically attracted to your s/o is also an important component to having a happy relationship.
  • i am over weight but not willing to date someone who is... for me being over weight i am very active and always on the go.... i do think people judge me because i my weight but personaly i dont care its there problem not mine
  • Seeing someone overweight sort of tells me that he doesn't care for himself. Dating someone majorly overweight is probably something I wouldn't do, not because I judge them, but because it doesn't suit my personality to be "fat and happy".
  • Yes as their weight could be a medical problem, plus it does not make them the person they are.
  • sure...after all the charachter or the inner person is the one which matters the most in a relationship and not the external personality. it can be moulded any time :) cheers
  • maybe date but no sex
  • Not a chance in the world. I would have to give up everything that I love to do. I am not a couch potato. There's really only one way to become obese, and that's sitting down too much and eating too much. I have a hard time respecting someone who has so little control over themselves that they continue doing something that is known to be harmful to themselves. I don't even feel comfortable hugging fat women.
  • I probably would and (only) If that person made an (effort) to lose weight.
  • Honestly, I don't think so. I mean, if they were a bit overweight, sure, why not? But if they were morbidly obese I couldn't do it. I'm not trying to be mean but I just don't think I could.
  • sorry to be insensitive, but not me. A little is fine, but BIG girls just don't excite me physically. I once tried sleeping with one and failed, I got turned off. that's just me though. One of my friends loves big girls (as long as they have a pretty face) he describes them as "go-ers", lol.
  • No. Just personal preference. Just like I wouldn't date a stick figure either!.
  • See, I don't care, if I like a person, I like them. However, if I dislike them for their WEIGHT... well, that would be shallow of me. But I don't think I would generally be attracted to an overweight person (as in most cases, this is a result of excessive eating), because I love running, walking, dancing, hiking, swimming, I know I am online now but we all need a break, don't we? I am really active... so I just don't our lifestyles would fit... I would get annoyed. Just saying that we would probably not encounter each other and fall in love due to no common interests...
  • overweight yes, obese...prolly not.If they had an extremly good personality though, I suppose its possible.
  • answer is straight forward, No because I live my skeleton.
  • To an extent. I'm rather disgusted by obesity.
  • Yes it's fine.
  • Okay lets say the person is healthy but still overweight, could you date even though they have a great personality? I mean wont the way they look be a turn off? I dont think I could date someone excessively overweight simply because I dont find it attractive one bit. No matter how great a person they are. A little on the chunky side is ok, but if excessively then I wouldnt want to see the person naked.
  • No, as I would have to be physically attracted to them too, not just like their personality. A bit overweight wouldn't be a problem, but the use of the word "excessively" suggests someone in the obese category, which would not make them physically attractive to me, so if I liked their personality I would just want to remain friends.
  • big curvy girls are the sexiest girls

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