• Generally I'd have to agree. It definitely depends on the severity of the injury... and who suffered it.
  • I think whoever said it has never been hurt.
  • I saw a shirt that had these guys roasting hot dogs over an open flame and one of them dropped his into the fire and it said "It's all fun and games until someone loses a wiener." LOL!!! : )
  • I believe it is the basis for a rather popular movie..Jackass.
  • Just like many people, I like watching races for the wrecks, stunts for the falls, and other things like that. HOWEVER, I, personally, prefer to KNOW that the person (whoever) did NOT get hurt any worse that scrapes, bruises, and maybe the breath knocked out of 'em. If they can get up (or out) and walk away, THEN I appreciate the wreck/stunt and possible humor.
  • Getting hurt or experiencing torment is NEVER hilarious. It's intriguing. (wink)
  • Unfortunately humans have a tendency to laugh at other peoples misfortunes.
  • Always true! I've seen friends fall out of trees, set themself on fire, fall into fire, flip a 3-wheeler into fire, fall down stairs, run full blast into a trailer tounge, fireworks down the pants, 15 paintballs from 5 feet away, fall off a roof, fall off a roof on a bike, fall off a roof into a trash can, slip on ice and face plant into thier truck, bull wip to ass, bull wip to the calf, small pipebomb go off in hand, run full blast into a desk, bow of a boat to the nuts, 220 volt shock, truck ran over foot....I could keep going but im starting to think my friends and I arnt too smart... BUT it is damn hilarious!
  • Depends on who is getting hurt.
  • It may not be funny at just may be some sort of degrading, sadistic "humor" at work. Anyone who finds anything hilarious about something that hurts another is in serious need of attitude adjustment. So, I think the saying does not state that which is true at all.
  • Only applies to small scrapes and bruises. I like to know that the person is still alive before I start laughing.
  • It it so true, and totally rocks!
  • I personally don't find it funny when someone gets hurt. You can go ahead and think I don't have a sense of humour if you would like to. I can take it. I just don't believe in humour at the expense of others.
  • One of my favourites!
  • I don't think people getting hurt is funny
  • 6-10-2017 It's not the injury, it's the struggle to get up. When stage people say "Break a leg," they mean to make a show of it.

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