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  • Depends. If I want control, me on top in missionary. I like to kiss and suck on the breasts when I have sex. If she wants contol, her on top. Still can kiss and suck, and have my hands free for exploring. Slow and lazy sex, spooning is very nice.
  • With wife legs open and spread eagle, legs in the air for maximum penetration and . She certainly comes strongly and a lot
  • Any position that allows for her maximum pleasure while tied;-)
  • Geez...I like them all. I like to experiment with new positions. Me on top, my girl on top, lying side by side, rear entry, standing, sitting - just be creative. I'm working on doing every position that I found on this site:
  • I love it when she's finishes on top of me! There's a much better chance of her climaxing that way cuz she's in complete control of how I feel insider of her! +3

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