• What do you do? Wish her luck in the choices she has made to have a baby without you. Then move on. There is a great potention for you to be used in this situation. Don't fall for it. What exactly would you be getting from this? Let's see - A woman who doesn't love you Someone else's child No possibility of children in the future Where is the upside? Where are the benefits? What things in this relationship would meet ANY of YOUR needs? Leave it behind. Good luck!
  • She chose her path without you. Do not let her blackmail you into having a life you don't want or didn't ask for. It's not fair to have someone completely change their values and their goals in life by someone else without their consent beforehand.
  • I feel bad for the kid, but the child is not your responsibility and neither is she. She made her bed, now she can sleep in it.
  • the question is :could you raise another mans child? does she love you as much as she you love her? if wants a future with you then yes if can raise another mans child BUT she could be using you for support being a single mum is hard and she wants support finacially and emotionally but the child is not your responsibility so if she is using you move on
  • as the person below me said: "Wish her luck", she is selfish, she wants you to patch things up for her baby not to sufer, but your not good enough to make babies with her....she needs help, and you should tell her that you do not possess a degree in psycology, because if you did you would have had the anwer to this question...;o) and luck to you!!
  • What do you do? Find another girl..this one will jerk you and everybody else around her around for as long as she can get away with it.
  • She sounds like it would be very difficult for you to have your own children. If you love her and can put up with these restrictions then get back with her. Otherwise move on and find someone different.
  • yeah ya know...i think i'd meet someone who was a little more stable than this chick! Sorry man. I wouldn't stick around.
  • DO NOT let her use you like that. Come on, stick up for yourself and find another woman who doesn't treat you like sh*t!
  • Dude, that is messed up. Wish her well and walk away. you deserve better. The drama is not worth it.
  • RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!! I'm sorry, but she's only gonna screw you over again the next chance she gets. The only thing she cares about is having a baby (which she has NO business having if this is the way she is) and having a man to bring in the money for her!
  • Move on! That's a giant mess in the making!!
  • Don't do it. She broke up with you, got involved with and slept with another guy, and now, because he isn't going to be a father to his own child, she's coming back to you as her second runner up, to raise another man's child, when you didn't want to move that fast to begin with. I don't see how she could be MORE insulting or wrong. Kick her to the curb. Tell her to go find that other guy... oh wait... and laugh. I understand you might still want her, but really, think about it, is any woman worth all this? No one is that good in the sack.
  • Run buddy, run for the hills!
  • In the words of my good friend Steve Harris: Run to the hills Run for your life.
  • I'd say you're a chump if you let yourself get shackled with raising some other guy's kid...
  • She obviously doesn't love you that much if she can just go off with some other guy. At this point I'd just say she wants you so she can divorce you and get child support. Don't do it. You'll find someone better don't worry. You don't want a woman like that trust me.
  • That doesn't sound healthy at all. It sounds to me like she is using you. There are times when the person you want the most is the one you're better off without. I would consider this situation one of those times.
  • Run for the hills!
  • My friend! This is a very important decision for you to make. You should move on and should not deal with somebody who wants to grow up somebody else's baby. I don't even think she really wants to have a baby. Having a baby is just a reason to cheat on you.
  • She is just trying to use you to support her and get her out of trouble. If you take her back She will leave you again I'd bet on it!
  • you gotta go with the masses dude on this one---RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN and dont look back---she screwed ya once and screwed someone else--shell do it again and again and again---dont even sweat it--theres tons of good girls out there--just dont go to a bar expecting to find one-theyre just fun for a night..get over it and get on with something better!!!!
  • omg i would run! for one, she left you, she got pregnant by another guy and seems she only came back to you because you were her backup... you may still love her, but does she love you... and its not fair to you at all.. why doesn't she want to have kids with you, but expects you to just jump at the chance to marry her?? You may love her, but truthfully, it will be better for you if you just let her go.
  • Hell NO!! As soon as you take the responsibility of that child, by-law you will have to support the child later if you get divorced. It was her decision, she must face the consequences. She doesn’t love you but wants you to support HER family. Love makes us blind folded, but when time opens our eyes and enlightens the reality; usually it’s too late to undo the things. Keep your eyes open! There is no way you should be feeling guilty about making the right decision. Do not let her manipulate you. Good Luck!
  • I'd say do what you think is best, follow your heart and your instinct. good luck man.
  • stay away from that situation.
  • Wow.. you have more problems than I do relationship wise. I'm sorry to hear this man... My suggestion... LEAVE HER! You dont need that in your life. No offense to her, or the baby but WOW... She hurt you, I could not look at her the same way. Not worth it, leave while you can!
  • Is her name Joanne Cupid
  • Is her name Joanne Cupid
  • getting even is very childish, just move on.
  • marry her girl friend.
  • Bail. Bail now. If not for your self-respect, than at least for the biological imperative, man! You can't go around raising some other dude's bastard, especially if you don't get to pass on your own genes.
  • She got what she wanted already and moved on. Now she's looking for you to be the rock in her insecure life. This can only end in disaster. She left you once before, whats to stop her when something else comes along that she wants? be smart...get rid of her while you still can.
  • Run and change your phone number. Seriously...just stay away!
  • If you do what she wants, you're are a third-degree sucker and deserve everything she's going to dish out your way, the least of which is, moving on again when she's bored and sticking you with child support
  • You don't touch her with a ten foot pole.
  • That must have hurt like Hell...I do believe U still love her...But ask yourself this (and be as honest with yourself as you can).Do you believe she loves U? And yet another question: If The baby's father was still in the picture...would she even be talking to you? That baby"s father will always be in the picture one way or another! Do you want to deal with him the rest of your life too? And think about this...It would have been different if she would have been the one to end the relationship, So It was HIS feelings that changed....He left Her while she still loved him.I hope the best 4 you in your struggle..."Above all things, be TRUE unto thine self " William Shakespeare"
  • you will be a stepping stone for her until someone else comes along when she feels you are moving to slow again. Wish her well and move on with your life. You deserve better than what she is dishing out. I think she is looking for a meal ticket.
  • I wouldn't stick around, she should've waited if she loved you. That's really stupid of her.
  • tell her to fuck off man seriously, iknow your guts say stay with her but shell just screw ya around when shes get the chance good things come with patiets and she couldnt wait so she gets bad things
  • your stupid if you do that dude
  • If the guy's name was "Gabriel" or "Holy Ghost", if he had some wings and if she is still a virgin, go for it. Else, forget about her.
  • Yeah, that's a recipe for a long-lasting, respectful and loving relationship. Your girls a stunt and you are an ass. There. Have a happy life together. That's what you wanted to hear, ain't it?
  • You may still love her but your looking at a hundred miles of bad road. All I can say is remember what P.T. said.
  • Well, if you were Canadian I'd advise you kill her, and plead insanity. You can get 6 years in jail for a first time offender on good behaviour, plus they can pay for your University while you're in. I know this is way late to the game, but I feel it needed to be said.

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