• I'll bring some salsa and chips. 2/21/23
  • Habanero sauce for the salsa dalcono is bringing. What are you BBQing? If no one else does I'll bring cups and ice. If someone else wants to bring those I can cook. I could make potato salad or pasta salad, slaw or garden salad. Or fruit salad if you'd rather.
    • dalcocono
      How do you do your habanero sauce?
    • Linda Joy
      I usually just buy it, but its not as good. I used to have a plant and I'd chop the habanero and put it in my mayo. But I plan to make some with fresh habanero and just enough vinegar to blend it. That's it. It can be diluted as I use it. Do you have a favorite recipe for habanero sauce?
  • My absence. You refuse to know me, and that makes it so that I have little interest in getting to know you.
    • Creamcrackered
      I remember you, you have kidney disease, how are you?
    • Linda Joy
      That goes both ways, dude! I've been here almost 6 years and I know almost nothing about you! How are we supposed to get to know you if you never show up?
    • wiseacre
      1, I spell out the cure for type 1 diabetes most everywhere I go, and yes, In AB here, always removed, deleted. Yes, Kidney disease Creamcrac is it? I will be so glad when it takes, no more than a year; always always always, never once able to claim what I am supposed to in AB here.

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