• Eh! tell him it's over.
  • how rude! Kick him out and tell him you lost all his trust. I'm sure you will find someone much better who appreciates you.
  • I am sorry that has happened to you. I am guessing you have already decided to end it but are concerned over the lease. There is no way of breaking it? If not I suggest you sit tight till the 6 months are up to protect your interests but that doesn't mean you have to continue sleeping with him. I wish you luck.
  • I found my boyfriend on there too...did your boyfriend actually "do" anything with anyone he met on there or was it just for "fun"? The trust thing is hard, mine tells me it was nothing and that I shouldn't keep worrying about it, but it's always in the back of your mind, regardless. I agree that you should sit tight for the 6 month lease, but if you don't see yourself gaining that trust back, then start seeing other people. Guys don't realize how painful it is for their girlfriends when they screw around on these websites, I mean honestly, what are they thinking when they make their profiles?! So frustrating! I hope everything works out for you!
  • Sounds unnecessarily strict to me. Most guys just mess around with such web sites and even the best boyfriends/husbands in the world think and fantasize about being with other women. . Stop living in fairyland honey. He must have been a real loser for you to let him go that easily because if he was not then you are the loser.
  • Throw him out.

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