• Light!
  • 1) visible light: "An instrument used to observe distant objects by collecting and focusing their electromagnetic radiation. Telescopes are usually designed to collect light in a specific wavelength range. Examples include optical telescopes that observe visible light and radio telescopes that detect radio waves." Source: 2) light mainly from the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum: "An optical telescope is a telescope which is used to gather and focus light mainly from the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum, for directly viewing a magnified image, making a photograph, etc. The term is used especially for a monocular with static mounting for observing the sky. Handheld binoculars are common for other purposes. Professional telescopes often focus the light onto electronic image sensors. There are three primary types of optical telescope: Refractors (Dioptrics) which use lenses, Reflectors (Catoptrics) which use mirrors, and Combined Lens-Mirror Systems (Catadioptrics) which use lenses and mirrors in combination (for example the Maksutov telescope and the Schmidt camera)." Source and further information:

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