• It takes approx. 6 weeks to break a habit, this is not to be confused with the time it takes to break an addiction, smoking for example.
  • U can make a habit in just a sec but to break it?.......when ever u want to it can be any time
  • there is a little saying i have seconds to make a lifetime to break
  • Take smoking for eg
  • I have heard that it takes about 30 days, a month, or slightly more than 4 weeks to break a habit.
  • Make a habit: 1 second Break a habit: Could take a life time.
  • I have seen where psychologists have found in studies that if you can break a habit, or change a behavior from 3 -5 weeks, then you can overcome that habit for the long term.
  • 21 days. Which is why I am attempting to make it 21 consecutive days of not switching my bracelet from one wrist to the other if I catch myself complaining. I'm taking the A Complaint Free World 21 day challenge. See www. a complaint free for details. So far, I have not been successful making it one day, but I'll keep at it. Will Bowen (the author of the book) says it takes most folks between 4 and 8 months to achieve the goal of 21 complaint free days. I'm going to do it!!!

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