• so many reasons why NOT to go on a date with someone.... too creepy perverted no similar interests no manners no respect no chemistry to name a few
  • I'm married and my husband really doesn't like me to date anybody but him. ***edit due to *poofing*** hahahah Okay, *poof* I am single *can I have a skinny *poof* too?) Reasons why I wouldn't date someone that are "physical" in nature would be; poor hygiene. VERY short stature (as in his eyes were at my boob level, this measurement is getting shorter and shorter as gravity has it's wicked way with me!) Most of my "turn-offs" these days are about personality shortcomings, like blow-hard, arrogance, selfishness, etc.
  • Felony record. Over 60. Under 18. Leprosy. Violent. Mental disorder. ... or a unibrow.
  • Assuming that he/she is "normal," (Not a psycho, or a pervert, etc.), the only reason I can think of that would make me not be willing to even give him/her a try is if he/she were, loud, rowdy, lacked manners, or had no clue as the the meaning of personal hygiene. But then again, before I went out on a date with anyone, I would definitely have to LIKE them.
  • I'm afraid that i'll make them boring,,don't know what to talk and make the conversation between us become interesting.
  • Here are some very good reasons I don't date. A. I'm happily married. B.I love my wife C. She's a very good shot, and it wouldn't be smart to piss her off.
  • My preferences lead me away from people who smoke(more than socially) do drugs hateful negative loud, obnoxious even if a person in my eyes is not my type physically I would be interested in getting to know them,
  • she has a husband .
  • Under 25 Over 50 Convicted Felon Perverted Rude Psychopath Mythomaniac Violent ....extremely hairy, but then I would take him to a waxing salon on our first date.=)
  • If I weren't married: bad personal hygiene, couldn't stand it. felon drug addict too much younger than me loud and obnoxious has shown signs of being a violent person I can probably get even more particular but that should do for a start. :o) Physical traits really don't enter into it, it's the kind of person they are that makes them attractive.
  • I'm too busy
  • Guys who are married Guys who are too careful Guys who are too still or who aren't playful Guys who think it's time to start planning their funeral if they are over 40 Guys who don't laugh (unless I'm really feeling like a challenge) Guys who are violent towards the innocent Guys who are thugs Guys who look like they are carrying a dirty diaper around in their pants. Guys who have been pussyfied.
  • My wife would kick my a$$.
  • I would not date someone who uses "to" where "too" should be used.
  • anyone who is rude, arrogant, ignorant, someone with a huge unhealthy ego....all those things make someone ugly..not their looks
  • Doesn't treat women with respect. Porn addict. Currently engaged in criminal activities.
  • Bigot, unkind, arrogant,selfish,condescending,sarcastic,sadistic,mentally deranged,liar...for starters.
  • Too rich didn't occur to me. I love my sugar momma!
  • I wouldn't date someone shorter than me (I'm sorry!!! I want to feel smaller than my mate, I can't help that desire!) or less intelligent than me. I'd like him to be as smart or smarter than I am. And it would take some MAJOR convincing to date someone WAY hotter than me. I'd be really uncomfortable.
  • I have to really, really, and I mean, really like someone before I will even consider being involved with him in any way at all. This discludes anyone that I am not interested in. Period. Usually, I end up falling for guys that I get along really well with regardless of their background. :)
  • as a straight girl, i will NOT date any gay boys. I also don't really groove on guys with hair longer than my own, even though it looks ok on some of them. It just gives me the wiggins.
  • lol im feeling the unibrow answer never thought about that.... i would not date someone too ugly, too overweight, someone who cant dress, someone who does not take a shower daily, money is not a problem as long as they have some sort of job, but you can never be too rich :)
  • 1. To aggressive when you approach me. 2. You give off the impression of only wanting sex. 3. Being loud, obnoxious, rude, disrespectful, arrogant, and lack appropriate communication skills when talking to a lady. 4. Poor personal hygiene. (in all areas) 5. The inability to express yourself without using swear words. 6. Multiple kids with multiple women. 7. Unemployed and unintereted in seeking a job. 8. Thinking you're Gods gift to women and you're not. 9. Living with your parents to avoid being responsible for yourself. 10. Multiple arrests and resist being rehabilliated. 11. Shallow, materialistic, stubborn. 12. Uneducated. College isn't the only place to obtain knowledge. Knowledge is power and it comes in many forms. Take advantage of them all.

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