Sure its okay, you just need to follow a few simple rules: 1) Try to be a little discreet with as little excessive noise and body motion as possible, some people like to really lean into it and swing their elbows, they're just drawing attention to themselves. 2) Ensure you are respecting other peoples personal space, with consideration for the action your about to take, allow double the normal that is socially accepted. 3) Look away from anyone in close proximity to avoid sending projectiles that may escape from around the tissue onto that person. 4) If you dont have a mirror, or close enough friend to verify to you that the job done was thorough enough, take the deed to the washroom or your car. We've all had colds and flu, and occasionally we need to go into public when ill, with a little consideration, we need not make our misery everyone elses!
Of course as long as you're not sneezing on someone else or blowing your nose within close proximity of someone else. The last thing someone else wants is your boogers all over them--after all, I'm sure they've had their breakfast already!
I say no. In my opinion it just kind of grosses my out. If you have a real loud nose blow, i would say hold off on it until you reach a restroom.
Yes, just be discreet. IE: No snot on your lip....
Its fine with me. :)
I probably should not because I examine the tissue after blowing my nose and my husband yells at me. When I have hot soup, my nose runs and then I go to the restroom to take care of it.
I blow my nose in public all the time! No one seems to mind.
I'd much rather people blew their nose in public than spent the whole time sniffing it all back in, so to speak!
Emily Post says it's OK, but I do kind of get grossed out both listening to others and doing it myself. Especially when people do not wash hands afterwards or do it where I am eating. From: Courtesy For Others Be germ conscious: "Exposing others to your germs is the ultimate discourtesy," says Post. A strong tissue such as Puffs helps catch germs, so you don't spread them to others. When sneezing without a tissue, cover your mouth with your hand, and wash your hands immediately after to avoid spreading your germs to surfaces or others when you shake their hands. Keep it quiet: "It's never polite to interrupt," says Post, "and in a business meeting or social situation, loud nose blowing can be disruptive." Of the Americans who say they change their nose blowing style in a public place, 79 percent say they do this by blowing more quietly or discreetly. "Leave the full-out-blowing for when you're alone, and use a few polite sniffs and dabs with a tissue in a room full of people," says Post. Dining dilemmas: "By far, people are most bothered by others blowing and sneezing when they're eating," says Post. "There's food present, and all of a sudden someone is blowing germs across the table at you." Post recommends leaving the table or room to take care of nose-blowing needs, if possible. And if a sneeze sneaks up on you? "At the very least, turn away from the table, and use a soft, sturdy tissue or your napkin to cover your mouth," advises Post. Planes, trains and automobiles: The tight confines of public transportation, be it bus, subway or airplane, can make the sneezing and blowing of other people too close for comfort for some passengers. "Carry Puffs with you when you're traveling, or in your pocket or purse when you're commuting," says Post. "Other passengers will appreciate your preparedness, and you can offer a tissue to a fellow passenger in need."
I think it is a perfectly normal part of life to have to blow your nose... Just make sure to use a tissue when doing it (no farmers blow with one finger on the nostril) But always use a new tissue because you can carry the germs on the tissue for over 24 hours and thats just yucky.
It really does not matter if its okay, or not. humans do it and in a big way. some are discreet, some try to be discreet and others just let 'er rip. the bigger the nose, the louder the sound. Out in the public, there is no place to hide to blow your nose. I guess this is why the majority of people just accept it and carry on as business as usual.
I'm okay with someone blowing their nose in public as long as they're not at the dinner table. Then that's just gross. lol
I would say, it is accepted, but I for one, hate the sound, and knowing it grosses me out, I respect others, by going into the restroom to do so.
blow, yes.... pick, no! lol. I'm the kind of person who's nose only runs when i'm cold or i'm sick. When i'm sick, it's aweful... (need i say more)i have to blow, no matter what anyone else thinks. It's the grossest thing to see someone sniff it back, or hock a loogey (sp?)... i'd much rather blow my nose that do that :P.. and i'd much rather you blow too... lol
It bothers me sometimes to do it, though I ususally have problem with others doing it. I always think someone's going to find it rude or disgusting. But one thing's for sure- NEVER at the table. At least turn around, or excuse yourself. I also hate the sniff...sniff..sniff.. It's like, blow your nose already! It reminds me of the little kids you see in kindergarten with that trail of snot fripping down their faces, or the soaked sleeve from wiping it every five seconds...
it is more than ok, it is much appreciated. nothing irritates me more than hearing sniff, sniff, sniff every 2 seconds.
I think it is ok to blow your nose in public. At a dinner or when watching a movie no!! If you have to blow your nose just walk away, go some where private and do it. No one wants to hear you blow your nose. Now if you are out on the street or in a bathroom it is ok.
Better to blow than to have snot running down out of your nose.
I think so, I know that when I am sick I carry a little bottle of hand sanitizer with me and use it a lot!
It is perfectly OK to blow your nose in public. You should go to a side where people does not walk and blow out the mucus and there is nothing wrong. I do it whenever I have cold and none has said anything about it. When in a bus or train blow out the mucus in the kerchief.
as long as you don't honk!
so long as you don't use your sleeve
As long as you find a place that is respectful of others and not right in front of them or at the table
The Japanese think it's very rude to blow your nose in public, and I live where there are lots of them. So, I step into the mens room.
I don't think it's rude for others to blow their noses in public, I just think it's annoying to wonder if their are bats hanging in the cave. I prefer private.
I don't see why not! It involves a tissue and your nose. It's not like you're passing gas in someone's general direction.
I would hope so!
i know its not proper but i have bad allergies sometimes and its hard not to. i try not to but have to often. sometimes you just have to.
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