• licks my cheek
  • He won't/can't seem to get his dirty plate/ bowl from the table to the dishwasher. Come on, how hard is that?? Is that asking too much?? I cook, I clean, I raise the kids, can he just put it in the dishwasher??
  • Just one? lol Just kidding. The main one is his dirty laundry. I have it organized from the start and he just throws stuff in a pile and then I have to go through it.
  • He thinks that he never has enough time to do anything, when he actually has plenty of time, he just doesn't manage it properly.
  • Looks everywhere but at the road ahead of him when driving. I am constantly grabbing for the steering wheel.
  • PDA in front of my daughters. They're old enough to "know" but don't really need to. They're 22 and 13 and I just don't want that part of my life to be so blatantly obvious. We live 60 miles apart, maybe if we lived closer the PDA would be easier to manage - still drives me crazy though.
  • Drinks to much & don't know how to SHUT UP!!!!!
  • After she does laundry, the clean clothes go into a laundry basket and sits in the living room until either I put it away, or I threaten to withhold sex until she does it.
  • He never tells me what is going on at work. I went to the Christmas party with him last year, and had a nice long conversation with a woman I met there. We talked about family and a lot of things. When we left, I asked who that nice woman was. I was shocked and astounded to find out she was his new boss.
  • explaining something in 100 words ...when 6 would have done!!:)
  • He yells when he gets mad. Like he's really going to intimidate me, lol
  • When he bites his nails... or sits cross legged and bites his toenails. I've also seen him put a penny in his mouth.... not okay!
  • I really hate when she lies. Coz the first lie leads to another and another to a point she cannot remember the first lie! At this point when you talk to her, she does not respond at all... and this makes me look like a beast- and her the poor victim.
  • He takes his shirt off when he goes to the bathroom. This drives me nuts because I can't figure out WHY he does it.
  • the sex continues to be wild. as per crazy in angry/upset,she answers my questions before i get a chance to complete the question.
  • Music is my battery recharger. I always like to take a few minutes alone to listen to a few of my favorites, just to reset my mind. My hubby usually busts in the room making up his own words to the songs and dancing around like a stripper.
  • No marriage here (thank god) but the current person I'm with never leaves me alone during sports. Hockey & Baseball are the only 2 sports I will ever watch, and the only two teams Tigers and Redwings. You'd figure she could do SOMETHING else while the games on.
  • oh god, am I only allowed one thing, but there are so many to choose from......I need to give it some thought and will be back later on when I have whittled down the list.....
  • Not existing. It always bothered me how my girlfriend doesn't "exist" except in my head.
  • i love it when he kisses my neck. i love it when he bites and sucks on my ear. i love when he runs his hands down my body. i love it when he looks into my eyes and tells me that he loves me. i know that's more than one thing but there's a lot of things that he does that drives me crazy. funny i'm the only one that thought crazy as good. maybe because i'm in a good mood and i miss him.

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