4 PM. That leaves plenty of time for dessert and cleanup.
In my family it is usually in the evening, around 6 or 7, giving everyone enough time to arrive.=)
I always thought that was up to the host. I remember when my family used to eat thanksgiving dinner around dinner time- however since there aren't any little kids in my family anymore we usually skip lunch and have apetizers and then eat around 3 or 4. The best part is getting really hungry- then eating a's not healthy but hey- it's once a year!
We eat around 3pm. That leaves plenty of time for chatting, recuperating and then more pie! :-)
We usually don't make it past 1PM without someone dipping spoons into the candied yams, so that's about when we start. The eating then does not end for about three days ^_^
sometime close to noon.that way the meal and the reuired after turkey nap does not interfere w/watching football on tv...
Thanksgiving Dinner about 7-8pm Christmas Lunch about 2.00pm.
We usually eat around 4pm, that way the appetizers and snacks are sufficient, and nobody has to put together an entire lunch to keep us until dinner, and there is plenty of time after dinner to eat pie, relax, and still drive home without it being too late. My boyfriend's family, however, has their dinner closer to 7-8 pm. We're having both families to our house this year, so we get to pick the time :) I'm thinking... 5:30? lol
My family has always eaten around 1:00 p.m. and my husband's family around 4:00 p.m.
It should be left to the host. Just remember, it is called Thanksgiving DINNER not Thanksgiving LUNCH. Which will be sometime after 4pm.
At whatever time you're hungry
personal preference. i like it around 12-1 pm.
It should be left to the host. Remember it is called Thanksgiving dinner not Thanksgiving lunch. Which would be sometime after 4pm.
About 2 P.M. - which is around halftime of the noon football game.
The prevailing school of thought is that it should be served on Thanksgiving Day.:)
When the chef completes it.
1:00 pm
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