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Aunt Mary had a canary Up the leg of her drawers She pulled the string to hear it sing And down came Santa Claus Uncle Jock, he had a sock Up the pleat of his kilt When he was a-sleepin, we were a-peepin To see how well he was built Chase me Charlie, I've got barley Up the leg of me drawers If you don't believe me, come and feel me Up the leg of me drawers Cousin Minnie wore a bikini Underneath her shirt A handsome guy he tried to spy And she kicked him where it hurt.;num=1141901455 One fine day, a bonnie bonnie day, I met my Auntie Mary; She gied me a penny, Tae buy whit I liked, So I bocht a wee canary. The wee canary flew awa' Auntie Mary caught it; She caught it by the tail An' flung it in a pail, Cheeky Auntie Mary. My mother said that I must go, Wi ma faither's denner-o; Chappit tatties, beef and steak, Twa reed herrin an' a bawbee bake. I went to the river an' a couldn't get across, I paid ten pound for an auld dun horse. I jumped on his back an' his banes gied a crack, An' I had tae play the fiddle till the boat came back. Vaudeville (USA) -(UK) musichall became popular with a wider variety of entertainment & the minstrel shows began to wane although one of the variety acts would often be a comedy quartet. Songs both popular, classical and religion were parodied in keeping with events of the day not just by the singing acts but by the comedians too as short 1 or 2-line musical jokes. Oh we've got chickens in our backyard & we feed them on cod oil (repeat) But Aunty Mary's got a canary - he's the cock of the north (repeat) (Scottish traditional melody)
Aunty Mary had a canary, she also had a duck. She took it behind the kitchen door and taught it how to.. Fry eggs for breakfast, fry eggs for tea; The more you want the more you get. Peter had a boat, the boat began to rock, Jaws come up.. and bit off his Cocktail, gingerale, 40cents a glass If you don't believe me then shove it up your Ask no questions, tell no lies; I saw a guy doing up his flies are bad, bees are worse and that is the end of my dirty little verse!!!!
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