Yes, I have a cousin that sometimes sleeps with his eyes open. No wide open but definitely open.
Yes it’s possible. Sleepwalkers move around and avoid objects with their eyes open yet technically they are asleep. An electroencephalogram would conclude they are asleep. Sometimes babies appear to be sleeping with their eyes partially open.
Yes, I do it! It freaks out my relatives. My son also does it.
My husband does it. They aren't wide open, but I can see the bottom of his pupil. It originally caused some problems because I would wake him up by talking to him since I thought he was awake. As far as we know, it hasn't caused any other problems, but his doctor did tell him that he should make sure his eyes don't get too dried out.
Yes , I do everytime i fall asleep. But it is only one eye that opens with me.This occurs because of an accident i was in when i was younger. I do not see anything when i am asleep and i do not fall asleep with it open. it only opens when i go into a deep sleep and the muscles relax.
I work in a sleep disorders lab and have not seen it very often but I have seen it. It is more common in children
Yes it is possible. I have a friend who experiences such a "phenomenon" too. I have did some research on this topic, and it seems to be due to a loose eye lid. This problem can be inherited or formed due to bad habits. For more infomation, you can check out this article: ask-the-doctor_sleeping-with-eyes-open.html
Yes. had a friend who did that. freaked me out.
Yes, I knew someone that did this. He would be fast asleep but his eyes would be half open and look away. We found out he wasn't when we put a pile of shaving cream in his hand and then stuck a tissue up his nose.
Yes my 7 year old son does, it is really eerie. He also talks to you but he is asleep and can't remember the next day.
yes, I have heard of it.
Ever alert, Mermaid Man has trained himself to sleep with his eyes open. Yes.
im 16... as far as i can remember ive lept with my eyes open all my life... what ever i am looking at as i sleep... i will dream over it... it alsmost acts as a back ground/foreground... i like it because my dreams are more inventive.,.. although i tend to have unbelievably violent dreams if the slightest noise is heared... its awsome!!!
How do you think long-distance drivers make their deliveries on time?
yes my boyfriend pretends to so he can get away with ignoring me
- girlfrend does it...real weird..looks cute tho...but...weird...shout out to dizzy kiz!holla!hahaha
Yeah, my sister used to do it a lot. It's pretty creepy.
My son does that it scares me
Hehe ... i don't know that :-)
Napolean's been said so!Lol.
my brother does it too. eww
i've seen it happen many times. sure they can.
Whenever I'm sick, I tend to sleep with my eyes open. My father first discovered this when I was extremely sick, and he came into my room and found me with my eyes rolled back in my head. He nearly had a heart attacking, thinking I'd died or something. ;)
I don't know but my dad does it. And my boy friend says I do it sometimes too.
means theyre dead. bury them... quick...before they wake up
It's a figure of speech, which means that they are paranoid and are ready for anything at any given time, even while they are asleep.
I don't know if someone else can but I can't, that wouldn't be too relaxing for me though. I can daydream with my eyes open but my mind is somewhere else, I do that 50% of a time. When I listen to someone talking to me, my mind is somewhere else also (it depends on the subject), I have to ask that person to repeat it. If the subject I hear is not interesting, I listen but never heard what they're saying, I just go, ok, aha, blah blah blah.
I've never seen a person sleep with their eyes open but my dog used to do it all the time.
yeah youtube it for proof. my friends caught me doing it once when i crashed really hard one night
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