• They are able to frighten children more easily in the dark, where they cannot see what causes the bumping and noises. Scarey works at night and runs a poor second at high noon.
  • That is a myth. They are active at all times of the day. People just have higher tendancy to notice them at night and dont pay attention to them during the day.
  • You can notice paranormal activity any time. People just don't notice it as much in the day because they are busy witrh other things, while at night, people tend to lay in the dark and stare at the ceiling, and then they notice the creeking of someone walking up and down their stairs at night...
  • In my opinon they are active at all times of the day. However, I have heard that their activity reaches its peak at 3:00-3:15 am.(this time frame is known as the Demonic Witching hour) wether or not this is true I cant be certain, but from personal experiance I believe that it carries merrit.
  • In my opinon they are active at all times of the day. However, I have heard that their activity reaches its peak at 3:00-3:15 am.(this time frame is known as the Demonic Witching hour) wether or not this is true I cant be certain, but from personal experiance I believe that it carries merrit.
  • Since I don't believe in such stuff, I say the activity is highest at night because the old ghost stories say so.
  • Because imaginations run wild in the dark. +5
  • It's because that's when people's imaginations are most likely to play up on them, and particularly if that person is fairly gullible.
  • There is no such thing as paranormal activity except in the imaginations of the superstitious and uninformed.
  • Physical tiredness increases suggestibility? ;-)
  • because that's when increased paranoia level is higher?
  • If I were a ghost, that didn't want to draw too much attention to myself (ghosts are tradtionally skiddish) I would go about my buisness in the night time while most people are sleeping, and live in abandoned houses, and go all of the places where people don't normally go. (the same places people claim to find ghosts)
  • Because people can't see as well at night. Ordinary things take on unusual appearances. +5
  • Duh, the cover of darkness
  • Some Paranormal researchers believe that activity is higher between 3 am and 5 am (dead time) something to do with the hours that Christ died on the cross and Ghost feed from energy (that is how you are able to see them) Energy is lower during the night so this allows them to be active because we are not using so much! It's also a fact that more people die in those same hours around the world. I have interest in this stuff but not an expert and who really knows what to believe anymore. You can't even believe the vids you see on utube, thanks to photo shop!!
  • Less visibility means we are more vulnerable at night, so we have more to fear in the night than we do in the day. Add to that you may be tired, drunk, or thinking about how all scary stories take place at night, and then your cat jumping off the kitchen table at 2am nearly gives you a heart attack.
  • That's when paranormal couples walk around.
  • Let's see, we have what the shows and "professionals" call dead time, darkest before dawn etc, then we have the fact that it's dark and a huge power of suggestion factor. Lot's of sounds, bumps in the night are just that, sounds. Houses settle, doors open or close due to poor or very old construction, most window in old houses have weights behind the walls, and rodents, etc. Too much of the paranormal can be explained if they keep it in the light.+4
  • Paranormal activity is probably more noticeable at night.
  • because you can't (dis)prove what you can't see.
  • Alcohol and drugs
  • its more quiet and easy to hear thing and the dark is more sugestable to easy scared people come stay at my house doesnt matter day or night you hear noises you cant explain
  • I wish I knew the answer to that. I watch TAPS ghost hunters show all the time and I have often wondered that myself. I also wonder why when investigators use a thermal imager that it shows up as a hot spot yet they say that you feel cold when a ghost is near or temperatures drop. Why do lights have to be turned off when they do these investigations if ghosts draw from energy sources. I will watch the answers u get to this for sure. Great question!
  • t.a.p.s, say that they get more RESPONSE from the paranormal at night. By (response)they mean ghosts can be seen or heard more clearly at nighttime.
  • well its not really true because many people been through paranormal activity through the day andd less at night
  • I was asking this question myself. Maybe ghosts are haunting because they want to be noticed; you don't really pay attention on what's going on in the middle of the day. But in the night... Now that's a different story.
  • One theory is that a 3 AM is the prime time for demonic entities because god finished creating the world at 3 PM and 3 AM is the direct opposite. Plus there is "Dead Time" which has been predicted from 2 AM to 5 AM this a rough parameter in which most people believe dead time is.
  • That's an excellent ?. I wondered that for many years myself and have now come to a conclusion. Demons feed on our fear; NOT ghosts, but demons. Humans have a subconcious fear of the dark because our cave men ancestors lived without any light at night and were more threatened by wild animals during that time. Therefore, humans are more likely to get scared of things at night, especially those that you perceive to be of another world or threatening in some way. Simply put, it is much easier to feed on your fear at night. Try to never show any spiritual entity fear; you will only make it stronger and attract it more if it's a demon.
  • ones ignorance and superstition gives them(evil spirits) a distinct advantage in the dark. praying on people when they are most vunerable.there is no such thing as a good ghost.GOD does not lose his children between worlds.these demons(the word demon comes from the greek and means intelligent) run in a psychological spectrum ranging from simply bored to very dangerous.they are excellent actors and watch us closely.they can immitate anyone.even now things about you, you think nobody else could know.they can not enter this world at this time but can use things in this world (light,energy,dust,air,water, etc.)through there own power to manipulate the weak in wisdom to believe many far as patterns of activity are concerned,these things can take place at any time.
  • It's always been expained as the absence of the sun. Vampires apparently come out at night because they cannot stand the sun. The presence and absence of the sun causes changes in the atmosphere. (During the day the ionosphere is charged by solar radiation. The ionosphere is most ionized at midday. It gradually loses it's charge at night and is least ionized just before dawn. Radio waves travel much further at night because at night they skip between the ionosphere and the ground whereas by day the wave will travel through the charged ionosphere into space.) Aurora phenomena are visible at night due to electromagnetic changes in the atmosphere at night. These changes in the atmosphere might explain the observance of paranormal phenomena at night whether they are "supernatural" or just normally natural. Radio propagation: Aurora in folklore:
  • because everyone is asleep and idk but i heard that around 3am is when the activity is the hightest

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