Honey and sirup
Sugar, spice and a swift kick in the balls to anyone who crosses her or her friends. =) (I loved that email sweetcakes, so funny!!)
Love...hugs and kisses and sometimes a dab of sarcasm:)
Sugar,chocolate,sparkles, more sugar and a big drop of Love!
bacon smothered in fluff.
Ingredients: - Kind Heart - Lots of love - Intelligence - Caring soul - Cheerful attitude - Amazing personality - A little bit of
Free Hugs
OMG Kevin where to start. kindness a caring and loving heart extremely proctective of friends the awesomest friend anyone could want and amazingly beautiful.
A scoop of dedication to her friends and a scoop full of hugs with a cherry on top.;)
Everything sweet and everything nice only twice!!:)
sweet DNA
Recipe for Sweetcakes: Mix equal parts of love and lust Add one egg Add batter Stir gently for 15-20 minutes Place in oven for 9 months Remove from oven and add several years of kindness, tenderness and caring Add infinite amount of sweetness Allow to age until full of beauty and intelligence Best served with warm {{{hugs}}}!
Sugar, flour, yeast, eggs, blonde hair a sexy body and a biiiiiiig heart full of love:-)
Sugar, spice, and all that is nice...unless, of course, you p*ss her off.
High-grade sugar. Why are these pesky ants biting Sweetcakes?
That question is just offal!
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