• I wouldn't know what to say except, "Oh really?
  • I would agree wholeheartedly: all beliefs are wrong.
  • He will always be right. Beliefs are man made, they will differ and can be wrong.
  • Cease slaughtering Goats on my Patio..... ; )
  • I would look back in the Bible to see what He has already told me. The God of the Bible is a “revealer of secrets” as He told His prophet Daniel. It is his will that “All sorts of men be saved”. The Bible writer Amos was inspired to write: “The Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets” He has already shown us in His word the Bible, what His will is and what we need to do to get saved” Armageddon is not a surprise party.
  • I'd ask if he would show me the way.
  • Order another of whatever I was drinking.
  • Which belief would that be?
  • Ask my friend what was in the weed.
  • I'd be all, "bitch, please."
  • say "No, you are."
  • One might have a bit of a problem with the “God appears to you” bit considering this reported incidence with Moses in HQ 7:143 “And when Moses came to Our appointed tryst and his Lord had spoken unto him, he said: My Lord! Show me (Thy self), that I may gaze upon Thee. He said: Thou wilt not see Me, but gaze upon the mountain! If it stand still in its place, then thou wilt see Me. And when his Lord revealed (His) glory to the mountain He sent it crashing down. And Moses fell down senseless. And when he woke he said: Glory unto Thee! I turn unto Thee repentant, and I am the first of (true) believers.” Furthermore HQ 42:51 says “And it was not (vouchsafed) to any mortal that God should speak to him unless (it be) by revelation or from behind a barrier, or (that) He sendeth a messenger to reveal what He will by His leave. Lo! He is Exalted, Wise.” However, many who have earnestly sought the truth, through questioning and experience, have said that they eventually got there with God’s help but mostly after a rough ride.
  • God is a spirit and cant appear to you... I dont think he's too concerned about what you believe... I'ts how you live that counts... But if I didnt believe that and your question was factual - then I would ask him not to be so judgemental... :-)
  • It would depend on what this being was saying. I would have to compare it with the revelation through His Son Jesus Christ. If it does not square with that, then I would be questioning the identity of the being.
  • Covert to Islam and have sex with my neighbour's daughter.
  • I would ask Him what the right belief is, and I would change accordingly.
  • First he, she or it would need to convice me they were god. Then the only god. That might take quite some time - but if they were concerned for me enough to appear to me, I'm sure they'd be prepared to offer up some kind of proof. A passport maybe. Or birth certificate with "No birth. Always existed" stamped on it.
  • I would take His direct word for it and change at once. Like Buddha said, "No one person can ever change the truth, but the truth, once learned, can and will change the person."
  • I'd be like schweet, and then I'd say, hey wanna beer?
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to direct me in the correct path.
  • I would say " I stick with my beliefs and honestly i dont care what you think, where were you when i needed you?"
  • Well, there isn't too much you can say to a devine being. So it would be sort of, foot in mouth, "How bad did I have it screwed up?"
  • Not even my Gods would tell someone that their faith/belief was wrong! I will forever continue to live my life according to what I believe in my heart, and no man or God will tell me otherwise!
  • Well, bein' an atheist, just having him/her/it appear in no uncertain terms would be enough...
  • I might say, well thanks btw, for giving me a mind of my own
  • If God appears then what choice do you have?
  • i will obey him.
  • Stop believing in him I guess
  • Yawn and go back to sleep.
  • Most of us are wrong, cause we are flawed people, I know if He appeared to me, we would have a long conversation about all the things that I do that are contrary to what He wants. But this is not wrong. To Love God and Love your neighbor. I believe that is it, and don't believe to be wrong, And if He appeared to me and said I was wrong then I don't want to serve such a god. Everything else, I am most likely in error on
  • If what the being says does not agree with the Bible, I would not believe that it is Him. God will always agre with the Bible, it is His Word.
  • I AM a religious person. But if God appears to me, I will seek medical attention, since this could be a sign of mental illness. I'm a serious Bible student, and I know he doesn't communicate with us that way anymore.
  • First I would ask him which god he was. Is he Zeus, Apollo, YHWH, Krishna or some other that I'm not familiar with. Then I would ask him (or her) why the universe is set up in such a way as to suggest his (or her) non-existance.

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