• Unpleasant. It is a new and unfamiliar experience for the novice drinker, complicated by complete ignorance regarding the relationship between the amount of alcohol consumed and the body's reaction to it. However, as my father put it to me the morning after: "It's a crime that carries its own punishment."
  • I first got drunk when I was at a fraternity party in college. I don't remember too much about the actual "high" I experienced, but I'll never forget the resulting hangover-- and since I was home for a weekend, trying to hide that condition from my parents who were a lot smarter than I gave them credit for. Getting drunk is nothing I would recommend, as you are liable to do things in that impaired state, that you wouldn't ordinarily do, and would later regret. It might give you an exhilarating feeling at first, but if you're not used to alcohol and exceed your limit, you'll probably just end up getting sick. At best, you could make a fool of yourself. If you insist on drinking, have something to eat first, and stick to one or two at the most, alternating the alcoholic beverage with plain club soda. And even if you've had only a few sips, don't -- I repeat -- don't ever drink and drive!
  • Definitely a bit dizzy. It feels like when you move it take an extra half second for the world to catch up. Mostly, though, you might notice that you feel more emotional. If you are among friends having a good time, you might just feel really excited and like every joke is super hilarious. However, if you're drinking because you are upset, you're more likely to feel worse, though you could also feel sort of emotionally numb in a disconnected way. If you've ever been under general anesthesia, being drunk feels a lot like when you are first coming out of anesthesia. I did feel a bit nauseous the night of my first drinking experience. Don't drink anything too sweet or carbonated your first time like I did since that can make you feel sicker. Other than that night, though, I've never again felt nauseous and I've never had a hangover. If you're worried about getting a hangover, drink plenty of water, take anti-hangover pills before drinking, and don't drink on an empty stomach.
  • If you really want to find out, do a test over a week or so, that way you won't damage yourself and can work out a safe limit for your body. If you have never had alcohol before, just have one drink the first day and see how you feel half an hour later. If your ok, then perhaps have two drinks the next day and see how you feel half an hour later again, etc. I would not recommend getting drunk the first time you have alcohol, as you can easily overdose and could even die from alcohol posioning. If you do try all the above, stick to the same drink, do not mix different alcoholic drinks until you can handle the first one.
  • AS an Young boy,felt as if floating and in the air.As the age went on felt more relaxed.This is my feeling.But many act funny.They purposely act in a diffetent way so that one would not mind what a drunkad says.Most act as if they are drunk.No.
  • As a previous response states - Unpleasant Euphoria (BAC = 0.03 to 0.12 percent) They become more self-confident or daring. Their attention span shortens. They may look flushed. Their judgement is not as good -- they may say the first thought that comes to mind, rather than an appropriate comment for the given situation. They have trouble with fine movements, such as writing or signing their name. Excitement (BAC = 0.09 to 0.25 percent) They become sleepy. They have trouble understanding or remembering things (even recent events). They do not react to situations as quickly (if they spill a drink they may just stare at it). Their body movements are uncoordinated. They begin to lose their balance easily. Their vision becomes blurry. They may have trouble sensing things (hearing, tasting, feeling, etc.). Confusion (BAC = 0.18 to 0.30 percent) They are confused -- might not know where they are or what they are doing. They are dizzy and may stagger. They may be highly emotional -- aggressive, withdrawn or overly affectionate. They cannot see clearly. They are sleepy. They have slurred speech. They have uncoordinated movements (trouble catching an object thrown to them). They may not feel pain as readily as a sober person. Stupor (BAC = 0.25 to 0.4 percent) They can barely move at all. They cannot respond to stimuli. They cannot stand or walk. They may vomit. They may lapse in and out of consciousness. Coma (BAC = 0.35 to 0.50 percent) They are unconscious. Their reflexes are depressed (i.e. their pupils do not respond appropriately to changes in light). They feel cool (lower-than-normal body temperature). Their breathing is slower and more shallow. Their heart rate may slow. They may die. Death (BAC more than 0.50 percent) - The person usually stops breathing and dies. Alcohol has a biphasic effect on the body, which is to say that its effects change over time. Initially, alcohol generally produces feelings of relaxation and cheerfulness, but further consumption can lead to blurred vision and coordination problems. Cell membranes are highly permeable to alcohol, so once alcohol is in the bloodstream it can diffuse into nearly every tissue of the body. After excessive drinking, unconsciousness can occur and extreme levels of consumption (when the concentration of alcohol in the bloodstream is over 0.5 percent) can lead to alcohol poisoning and death. Death can also be caused by asphyxiation if vomit, a frequent result of overconsumption, blocks the trachea and the individual is too inebriated to respond. An appropriate first aid response to an unconscious, drunken person is to place them in the recovery position. Intoxication frequently leads to a lowering of one's inhibitions, and intoxicated people will do things they would not do while sober, often ignoring social, moral, and legal considerations. The term intoxication is typically used in legal proceedings when some crime has been committed during a state of inebriation. In small amounts, ethanol causes a mild euphoria and removes inhibitions. In large doses, ethanol acts as a central nervous system depressant and causes drunkenness, generally at a blood ethanol content of about 0.1%. At higher contents, alcohol causes intoxication, coma and death. A blood ethanol content above 0.4% can be fatal, although regular heavy drinkers can tolerate somewhat higher levels than non-drinkers. Eight to ten drinks per hour is considered a fatal dosage for the average 54 kg (119 lb.) person. One drink is equivalent to one shot of 40% abv (80 proof) liquor, one 12 US fl oz (355 ml) beer, or one 4–5 US fl oz (120–150 ml) glass of wine. Ethanol is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and reaches the brain. As a small molecule, it is able to cross the blood-brain barrier. The euphoric effects of ethanol are probably due to its causing the release of endorphins, the body's natural response to pleasurable activity. A common after-effect of ethanol intoxication is the unpleasant sensation known as hangover, which is partly due to the dehydrating effect of ethanol. Hangover symptoms include dry mouth, headache, nausea, and sensitivity to light and noise. These symptoms are partly due to the toxic acetaldehyde produced from alcohol by alcohol dehydrogenase, and partly due to general dehydration.
  • Pretty much like the second.
  • When I first started drinking I had very little tolerance for alcohol. My friends and I were too young to drink legally or even to pass as 21. We waited outside a liquor store in a derelict part of town and gave a guy our crumpled dollars to buy quarts of beer for us (Schlitz the beer that made Milwaukie famous, Pabst Blue Ribbon what'll ya have, Hamm's the beer refreshing, or Country Club malt liquor). I couldn't finish even a single quart. Veteran drinkers may take the taste of beer for granted, but those early tasting experiences were transcendental. The beer tasted incredibly exotic. It seemed to have mysterious properties that could be fathomed only through prolonged experimentation. We downed our beers in the car outside the school dance. I was roaring drunk. While waiting in line to enter the dance, I said something to insult the girl in front of me and her boyfriend threatened to beat me up. Chaperones were posted at the door to block the unruly and unkempt, but somehow I got in. I'm sure it helped that we had gargled with Aqua Velva to mask the beer breath. Inside the dance I did my best to prove that there is “something” about an Aqua Velva man but I don't think many girls were buying. I began to feel woozy and wandered into a closed, darkened banquet area. I draped myself on some chairs that were lined along a banquet table. Under the linen table cloth, I tried to sleep it off. Eventually I puked on the carpet. I always felt bad about making a mess for someone. A typical drinker will have many occasions for remorse throughout his or her career. The spinning room is an experience common to novice drinkers. There is no way to make it stop. Fighting nausea is a losing battle at first, but with practice it becomes a rewarding test of mind over matter. Barring overindulgence in some ill-advised concoction like COURVOISIER, a veteran drinker can easily get tipsy without worrying about a spinning room or nausea. It may not sound like it but my first drinking experience was generally positive; enjoyable enough that I wanted to try it again. For people who are not happy in their own skin, the first brush with drunkenness provides a refreshing break from yourself. You feel like someone else for a while. You get to be the witty, fun guy you are too reserved to be otherwise. Or it could be you are just a bore who, when intoxicated, inflicts your pathetic attempts at wit and humor on others.
  • I don't remember.
  • The first time I got drunk - it wasn't pretty. Since I didn't know my limit I ended up throwing up everywhere, almost passing out and I had a hangover for... well the next few days. In some ways, its good to know what your limits are, because then you can judge yourself and decide wether you want to be completely straight or go a bit crazy - but just be prepared for the results. Getting drunks all part of growing up - sure some people choose not to touch the stuff, and thats fair enough, but its definetly an experience..
  • No one starts out liking the taste of alcohol. It's an unfortunate fact but we have to learn how to drink and enjoy it. It's got an awful taste, and the face we make afterwards is the proof. I guess we keep trying to tolerate it better in part because our society accepts alcohol as a legal way to get high. It's sold as a necessity in order to have a good time, or to make a good time more fun. It's not fun all the time and it's certainly not a necessity! Being drunk is a dizzy feeling, a headache, and probably other sick feelings in your head and stomach, sometimes to the point of vomiting. Exposure is the only way to know what your own body can tolerate, though there are enough guidelines available with estimates that tell what your limit is according to body size or weight. When you're drunk you'll let yourself go; your posture, your attitude, your conscience, and probably even your morals. Sexually transmitted diseases or unwanted pregnancies are often blamed on not thinking "straight" from having had too much to drink. "I was drunk" is often the excuse used the morning after a "one night stand." Some people don't get drunk as much as they get angry, wanting to fight the world when everyone else just wanted to party. It can be pretty embarrassing if that's you or your friend acting up like that from a couple of cocktails. My parents had a beer joint when I was growing up and I got to see lots of examples of what not to ever do, from a different perspective. Ask any bartender what they've seen and you too will shake your head in amazement. My Father always said, "There's nothing uglier than the sight of a pretty woman who's drunk." I've never forgotten it, having seen it myself, it's what keeps me below my limit when I do drink. Moderation beats sloberation - anytime!
  • it doesnt have to be unpleasant. you should go slow at first before you develop a taste for alcohol. it is an aquired taste so you will definitely not start out liking it...the best advice for someone who doesnt drink and who wants to get drunk for the first time is to drink mixed drinks or something with a low alcohol proof to start with. dont try to down a bunch of whiskey out of the blue, unless you want to be throwing up all night and wake up with a bad hangover.
  • This is the result of me and my friends getting drunk... This was actually typed on the computer while we were drunk. "Narrated by Benjamine I+)(Benji) went streaking out back. Got poop on hands. Watched The Offic.e Drunk! c;arke put chest cheese ojn Benjias chest Clark3e and Marshasll 3wen5t to 7 11. I waitefd behind buildinhg. marshall - "Garum" *marhsall clears trhroat Clarke - "Excuse hom he is rude" marshall - "yes +i'm rude, and i don't give a shhhiiiiiiiiit" TBC*......................................................................... Wake up hungover End of nght." Yes, apparently, all those things did indeed happen...Yes, when you're drunk, you do stupid things like that...
  • freakin awesome
  • well personally for me it was absolutly HILARIOUS. and KinKStar i totally disagree, I liked the taste of alcohol - I no longer do so much, but i did. All I can remember about being drunk the first time was laughing lots and lota and lots, Falling off a toilet seat - and laughing some more, and being bundled in a car becasue the party was oer and I wanted to stay, IT WAS GREAT!!
  • for me the drunk part wasnt bad. it waz the hang over that got me.
  • It was the most hilarious experiance I had ever had! I feel bad for all the people who had bad experiances, you obviously hung out with the wrong crowd.
  • You pass out. When you come to, you will hurl into the toilet numerous times. Your friend will give you a cold compress to put on your forehead. You will thank God her bathroom floor and crapper are clean. You will crawl onto her couch and sleep it off. You will wake up the next morning and vomit some more. You will be told of all things you did but don't remember. You will wish you were dead. You will never drink tequila shots again.
  • The first time I got drunk I was at a rookie football party, and drank a crap load of beer until about three in the morning... Then I started doing shots with one of the boozers on my team and before I knew it I was in the basement of the house sitting there throwing up. Some other stuff happened that im sure you dont want to hear about cause I regret it quiet badly, and I would regret telling you as well... The next two days I was hung over really bad... I couldnt eat/drink, and I still had to go to school Monday. When I got to school... yep, you guessed it, wished I hadnt drank. I was bugged pretty bad.
  • My first time was just last night. I had a few shots of vodka and coke. Honestly, I didn't go over my limit at all and I had a great time. Everything is HILARIOUS and I was so much more outgoing. I got really tired and sleepy afterwards. I can't say the same for my friend though... she ended up getting sick and I spent half the night rubbing her back and taking care of her. Not that I minded, but that should teach someone to not go over their limit.
  • My first time was just last night. I had a few shots of vodka and coke. Honestly, I didn't go over my limit at all and I had a great time. Everything is HILARIOUS and I was so much more outgoing. I got really tired and sleepy afterwards. I can't say the same for my friend though... she ended up getting sick and I spent half the night rubbing her back and taking care of her. Not that I minded, but that should teach someone to not go over their limit.
  • My first time was just last night. I had a few shots of vodka and coke. Honestly, I didn't go over my limit at all and I had a great time. Everything is HILARIOUS and I was so much more outgoing. I got really tired and sleepy afterwards. I can't say the same for my friend though... she ended up getting sick and I spent half the night rubbing her back and taking care of her. Not that I minded, but that should teach someone to not go over their limit.
  • My first time I had too much champagne at Christmas and I ended head first in my dinner. So it felt rather like Turkey, Roast Potatoes and Gravy!!
  • Fantastic! I was eight years old and my brother let me have some of his beers. Lowenbrau Dark. I can't believe I'm not more of an alchoholic than I am.
  • well from what i remember it was good until i had to go home and got caught drunk. i was 14 or 15. i was really sick and very embarrassed the next morning because i was talking a load of gibberish.
  • It wasn't very long ago. vodka and coke. everything was waaay funnier than it should've been and i went from dead tired to very awake. I remember saying the first thing that came to my mind, and at the time i remember thinking that i wasn't affected at all. I'm pretty sure now i acted like a retard, but it was a fun time.
  • It's a really personal experience and very different from person to person. My first time, I got the whole spinning room effect, and had to turn off the television because Family Guy wasn't making sense to me (pretty sad when THAT show starts going over your head, eh?). Then I hurled. I don't drink much, not out of any sort of morality but because I don't get any sort of effect I would consider "enjoyable".
  • hmmm... the first time i was really drunk it was a telling experence. i didnt know my limit and i just drank untill i couldnt walk straight. i had 8 beers about 3 or 4 shots and a full cup of jagermeister. it was the jager that really did me in. i will never drink jager again. i didnt know how alcoholic jager is and i just poured myself a cup and just chegged it down. it didnt taste great but i could take it. i felt really awesome for a while then i got really tired and i went to bed. i woke up and threw-up everywhere but i aimed for a box that was on my floor but ruined my shag rug. all in all im glad i did it because now i know my limit and at partys i know when to stop and since then i have never had a bad experience!
  • It feels kind of funn. I gotdrunk for the first time EVER last night. So i'm fresh with details. I didn't have a hangover for some reason. I drank and enire bottle of wine. For some weird reason, i culd not put it down. I was stumbling and mumbling. I was giggling and happy.
  • The image associated with the word 'drunk' has become somewhat enhanced by the overuse of the word in today's 'celebrity culture'. However, as a teenager, I am sorry to say that the whole obsession to get drunk still remains. The classic teenage social event is a party. No, not a party like young children have, but a drunken 'rave' whereby lots of hormonal drunk tenagers are cooped up in some poor sole's house (who will probably spend the next day tidying up beer cans), drinking to their heart's content. I think the best way I can answer this question is by recounting from past experience. I am not an alcoholic, I am not a jock or the kind of person you might expect to go to these parties. However, looking back, I beleive the only reason I was invited to his party was as a joke, but I (against what everyone thought I would say) said 'Yes, I'll come.' For the next week or so, I was extremely excited; I'd never been to one of these parties everyone talks about. For once I would show people another side to what they see in school. And then the night of the party arrived. The moment I got on that train to his house, I had serious doubts. Suddenly I was surrounded by all these girls (a few of which I knew) and practically every member of 'The Jock Squad'. (For those of you who do not know what a 'Jock Squad' is, let me help you understand. Every school has a squad: usually made up of the best rugby players, footballers, basically people that think they're Jesus.) Anyway, there I was, I knew a few people from school and decided it would be in my best interests to pair up with them. I felt awkward with a capital A. There I was, clutching my can of Carlsberg, having people stare at me as though they thought I was incapable of consuming alcohol! This was my first time drinking like this and so I had no idea what to expect. So I drank. I drank, and I drank and I drank. At first, drinking makes you feel slightly dizzy. You feel like you're on some sort of rollercoaster where you're constantly moving. I felt so much more relaxed: I didn't care if I was around 'Jock Squad' any more, I just moved past them. I giggled a lot, and said some things I regret. Even now I still can't remember one of my friends taking a video of me drunk (a video which still plagues the corridors of my school), everything was like a crazy dream. Like when you're extremely tired and it doesn't feel as though what you're doing is real. Everything was going so well, I felt as thuh I had achieved complete and utter social acceptance amongst my friends. Then I threw up. All over a girl next to me. All over my arm. All over the floor. The next few memories still are almost wiped from my mind, but I can distinctly remember someone whispering in my ear 'Drink this, it'll make you feel better' Then I felt the cold rush of water slipping down my throat. Then I swear I passed out. From what I gather from other people at the party, I was carried out in a comatose state and my parents came to collect me. I woke up the next morning at my house. At first I had no clue as to where I was. And then it hit me: I'm at home. I'm in my bed. My parents know I got obnoxiously drunk. Uh-oh. It turned out, however, that my parents didn't mind as much: they said it was all part of 'growing up'. And then came all the jokes from the people at school. Slowly, I started to have small flashbacks as to what happened that night: I am well aware that I will never know the full story. So, as an answer to your question, getting drunk feels like the most amazing thing in the the time. However, with age and experience, it gets better. I am extremely embarassed about my little 'drunken turn'...but I am 100% glad I did it though.
  • I got drunk for the first time tonight. It is valentines day, or really the day after. I am honestly, still feeling the effects, and is really hard to type. I fell crazy, like hard to focus, everything was funny. THe dd is a great dude. This is my first time, I;ll probably hate myself in the morning. but i had a good time. I had about 7 beers and 1 white russian plus cheese mozarella sticks. Just good times man. I corrected a lot of this post.
  • You will feel like in a bliss but don't go too far or you will end up puking. Just have 2-3 beers and thats it.
  • Ok basically you drink what ever it is your drinking and then you have about 5 minutes where you feel "Aw nothings happened !" and you drink more.. DON'T!!! I ended up drinking nearly 2 liters of vodka and got my stomach pumped .. At 14. When you have had 'enough ' and your in a good mood you get very dizzy and you hearing and sight fades a bit. At this point your mentally just tired and you know its kicking in. From this point on you either become very happy (if originally in avoid mood) or emotional like when you see some one on a tv program saying 'Man your my best friend , I really love you, but its guy love..' but it comes our like this ' blaaaaaaaa love blaaaaa' then you get really tired for about 10 minutes . After thus you will realize why people drink(Mostly). The way you become very social! You can pull the most amazing birds!.. But you can't remember!:( In my opinion don't drink more than 3 large cans on your first time. You'll be tipsy and social and probably won't get sick!
  • The first time I got drunk was really really weird. It wasn't like I expected it. I was outside and I suppose it was cold or something because my bottom lip started shaking like crazy. I felt kind of off balance, I kept falling over, but I didn't care, somehow it was fun. =P
  • Id suggest to not get drunk at parties...If your a lady. Guys will take advantage of you.. I have gotten drunk once and never will agian..
  • A bit of a distant memory for me now but I remember it was New Year's Eve 1999, I was 14 and at a family party. I started acting more confident and became really chatty and happy and then it dawned on me that I was drunk, so I drank a bit more to try and keep the feeling going for as long as possible and had a good night. - luckily no hangover the next day but I've had plenty since to make up for it!
  • you will get into a state of not bliss, but more of, not caring what people think. thats why a lot of shy and quiet people who normally cant express themselves have addictions, it gives you the edge and the confidence. but its not something to pass around lightly. i dont drink much anymore. its not really healthy. its not bad. i never thought it was bad, and i never will...compared to all the crap out there today. but you will know you are drunk when you dont second guess yourself on pulling off your shirt and dancing on the table in front of everyone. maybe not that extreme....but you get my point. hope it helped!
  • Ah I can remember it now, I was 17 and it was new years day. I was at my next door neighbor's house with my dad (he was his best friend, the neighbor was) my brother and the 70 year old neighbor. My brother 22 at the time, had a 1.75 liter of Jack Daniels. I had 15 shots of it and kept saying Mr.neighbor (protecting names here) I'm drunk. my brother said, brother I think you had enough lets go home. Well son of a bizzatch my grandparents were there. I did well, I sat in front of a computer playing video games till my grandparents left, then before my mother tried to interigate me my dad said son go out and clean the 4 horse stalls for me. *THANKS DAD* honestly the feeling was like I let go of all my worries and inhabitions. I could talk like I always wanted to talk and laugh harder at everything that would of made me laugh while sober. The actual physical feeling was that of tingles. It felt like your mouth does 5mins after your dentist put novicain in your mouth, but before the painful drilling ect... And me and my family is renkown for not getting hangovers. (truthfully me and my brother drank 1 liter of captain morgan rum and never got a headach or sensitivity to anything the next morning) all I can say is now, which I wish wasn't true. It takes at LEAST a 375ml to get me buzzing and a 750ml or more to get me drunk. I'm 23 now. To all of those younger people with a slight tolerance, take 3 days off from drinking anything alchoholic, and then try to drink, you'll turn back into a cheap drunk.... at least for that night.
  • When I was 15. I had a couple beers and it was weird as hell. I guess it was a good feeling, but really weird. It sort of feels like everything is lagging a little bit behind. If you look to the side quickly, your head feels heavy, it takes a second for everything to come back into focus and you loose your balance a little bit. You feel a little bit happier and more relaxed, how much just depends on how much alchohol you consumed and over what time span. It makes you a lot more confident, but not rightfully so, if you know what I mean. I mean, you be overconfident and do something stupid when you're drunk.
  • I'm not a regular drinker. I've been tipsy before, but last night was the first time I'd been drunk as a fish. I don't remember everything that happened last night. A part of me is scared to. I weigh ~202 pounds most of which is muscle so It took a lot to get me smashed. Had a few at my brothers friends place then we went clubbing. Thanks to my christian upbringing I'm usually uptight, shy but was in a daringly playful mood and downed drink after drink. Deep down I'm energetic, fun loving & passionate which kinda came out. Things seemed somehow more amusing. They said I was a machine.. that I had 4x as much as anyone else. I was more open & somehow ended up dirty dancing with 2 girls that were grinding & getting freaky. Felt like I was swimming around the room weightlessly. Eventually it caught up with me so I made my way to the bathroom stall in case I had to hurl. I stumbled over in the stall, cut up one hand a little. I luckily somehow found my way back to my brother & his friends. I felt really sleepy after that. Some plain clothed police almost threw me out of there but me bruvs friend who is also a cop told them I was with him. Next thing I remember is being driven home & trying my best not to mess up the back seat of the guys car. I felt my body convulse, trying to hurl so I covered my mouth and held it in. They pulled over & I got most of it out of my system. The other guys had a good night & appeared amused with my condition. I was a bit grossed out & regretful of how drunk I'd become. I apologized for my behaviour to the guy driving. Hopefully didn't get anything on the back seat. My brother got me home safe n sound in one piece & guided me to my room where I passed out. Reminiscing in hindsight.. I felt ashamed & I'm glad I didn't do anything too stupid. The thing about growing up being repressed, deprived & surrounded with rules is.. sometimes we like to let go. Thing that scares me is that I liked it. I mustn't do that again.

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