Something "thats hot."
Probably something that I knew would get me in trouble, and milk the heck out of it. Because there's no such thing as bad publicity.
Do something charitable for a change. (After the initial freak out of finding out who I am)
slit my wrists
shoot myself WHILE wearing underwear....;)
Transfer all of money to the bank account of Treganna.
SHOP!!!!!!!!!!!! get a feel for celebrity life!
Do the world a favor and kill myself.
Go straight to mickeyd's and eat until I gained about 30 pounds.
I would apologize to the world for being such a twit, then give all my/her money to charity.
make a sex video thats the only thing I excel at.
I guess whatever her assistants told me to do. I don't believe she can think intelligently on her own.
Kill myself cuz I'm sick of hearing about the no talent having rich bitch.
buy a ps3
Transfer all the assets to the accounts of my real self, make a will giving what I could not transfer to charity, and hide in an apartment for the rest of the time.
Join a convent, become a none!
I'd wish I was someone else all day.
I would go shopping
Lock myself for the whole day so that no one could see me.
id go shopping and partying . = )
buy a brain
From what little I hear ( I do not watch TV Etc.) I would hide, in shame, I think
Just Relax At A Spa
I'd clean up my act.
I would start by steaming up the bathroom. Then I'd pick a nice sharp blade. Then I'd lose focus and go partying and screw some random guy - Tigers don't change their stripes.
pronounce myself a lesbian to the peperatzi.
spend all inheritage money on animal rights organizations,climb the tallest building in LA and fall of!!i think that would please almost everyone:)
Bequeath all my worldly possessions to The Reverend Soleil, then throw myself off a cliff.
hang myself
get a life
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