• Never rain on someone else's parade. When they begin to tell the joke you'll be reminded of a time it made you smile. Everyone needs a smile. Let the teller of the story enjoy the fun too. I would say't tell them that you've heard it before.
  • It depends who it is If it was someone I knew very well then I would have no problems saying to them that I had heard it before. However, if it is someone that I was not so familiar with, or a work colleague I didn't know too well then I would allow them to continue with the joke and laugh at the appropriate place. I would not want to come across as rude so would let them tell it.
  • I was at a wedding and a guy told a joke that I thought i had heard before. I didn't say anything at the time as i didn't know if anybody else at the table had heard it or not. It was almost identical to the joke i knew, but had a very different punchline. Being completely unexpected, I roared with laughter louder than anyone else. So no, not ever, as it may not be the joke you think it is!
  • I have seen people tell the same joke too many times to the same audience. I don't want to bee that guy, so I start every joke "Did you here the one about the chicken crossing the road?"
  • Generally speaking, no, unless you are really tired of the joke or of the person telling it. On the other hand, if it is something you have heard before and that you find offensive and/or that others within earshot will find offensive, by all means let the person know that you have heard it and why you don't want to hear it again. And if need be, walk away to underscore the point. 1. Telling a 'joke' your audience finds offensive is impolite. 2. Telling someone you don't want to hear their 'joke' because you find it offensive is not impolite. 3. If they insist in telling it, they are being impolite. 4. By walking away, you tell them their actions are impolite. People may be free to act in an offensive manner, but they have no right to do so.
  • Definitely not. You may have heard the joke before, but understand it's not only the joke that's funny: It's the delivery. You could tell the same joke ten times in ten different ways and still be funny. There's a British comedian called Frank Carson whose catchphrase is, "It's the way I tell 'em". Nothing could be truer. Jokes aren't naturally funny - tell it right and you can turn a joke which made you chuckle into a right howler of a gag.
  • If you are in a group, don't say anything. If you're alone, then of course, politely say, "Oh, yeah, that's a terrific one, I thought so, too."
  • Reminds me of a joke. A new guy arives in prison, and sitting in the yard, one con says "number 12." All the other guys have good laugh. Another guys says "yeah, how about number 27?" everyone bursts out in laughter. The new guy is a little confused, and asks one of his fellow inmates what it is that he is missing. The convict tells him, "Well, you see, we've all been here so long, that we alll know the same jokes, and instead of telling the whole joke, we just refer to a number." The next day, the new inmate is sitting with these guys and decided to try to fit in. Once there is a lull in the conversation, he says "Number 8," but instead of laughter, he is greeted with blank stares. He says, "I dont get it, yesterday, you guys said a number, and everyone had a good time, but I say it and nobody laughed?" One of the other cons responded, "that's cause you didn't tell it right." Like Martin C said, It's all in the delivery! :)
  • It happens to me most of the time. I just laugh at it and say "Yer I've heard it before and it's a great joke." and this person then just smiles back.

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