• I dislike wearing them. I hate wedgies. And I think they are unsanitary. And if I am worried about panty lines, that means my pants are too tight.
  • I dislike them. Too uncomfortable for me.
  • I use my dental floss on my teeth thank you!
  • Super dislike...well, I never have wore them, but I just don't like the looks of them.
  • no I hate to wear thongs, they "hurt" besides people always scream " hey the small part goes in the BACK you idiot""! so Im against them ( well wearing them anyway ! ! ) looking at now THATS another story ! ) (kinda depends who is in them ! )
  • I've never worn them myself but I'm not fan. It would be like slicing a sausage with cheesewire.
  • Occasionally I will wear one with a skirt that requires it. But normally, I find them to be uncomfortable, unecessary and also slightly unsanitary. And frequently painful.
  • I really don't see myself ever trying to wear them... LOL
  • in general, i dislike them, and find them not only uncomfortable, but unflattering. however, my boyfriend seems to like them QUITE a bit. so for everyday wear, they get the boot, but if he's being good, i suppose i can suffer for a few hours.
  • I've never tried them, and have no desire to do so. I can't imagine having something in the crack.
  • I hate thongs. Very uncomfortable, give me big knickers any day!!!
  • I just would NOT leave the house without wearing my fluffy, pink thong. It's just me, you know?
  • I don't like wearing thongs, they're uncomfortable... after a while though it's not a biggie. I wear them if I'm wearing a nice skirt, but I've recently switched to boy-shorts because it can get quite breezy in Hawaii... and I don't exactly want to show it all off. :)
  • They are uncomfy Sleazy Totally unsexy And unsanitary...
  • they're the only kind that i wear (when i wear anything that is) because then theres no panty lines, which im not a fan of .. and they're comfy
  • Depends on the fabric and how wide/narrow the strip is. I've worn thongs that are very uncomfortable. Cotton are my least favorite. But I do have one pair (that is soft and silky in texture). They are comfortable and I like the way the fabric feels. So I guess, what is more important to me is not the cut of the fabric, but what the fabric actually is.
  • I used to think they were weird and would be uncomfortable. Then I got talked into trying one and it didn't feel like something up my crack at all. I'll wear them occasionally.
  • The real question here, I think is why everyone who said they dislike thongs, got downrated. I think it's very rude to do suck a thing. OH.. and I dislike thongs, because I am super uncomfortable wearing nothing over my parts that should be separated from my outer clothes.
  • I like wearing thong panties because you're wearing underwear but at the same time you feel naked undwer your clothes.
  • I am not allowed to wear thong panties but would imagine them to be a bit uncomfortable.
  • I am not into butt floss.
  • Design a thong like a jock. Men are smarter. That way there is no center strap.
  • They can become quite uncomfortable after a while so thats when I start to dislike them. Its no fun when you've got a string of fabric stuck up your bum.
  • at one point, i really wanted to wear them, but then when i tried them, they were REALLY uncomfortable. it feels like a wedgie - props to the floss analogy - and i felt like there wasn't enough separating me from my clothes. Worse, thongs tend to sit vey high up on the body, so it's hard to conceal them above your pants or skirts.
  • I love them... that is all I have! I have a few boyshorts but other than that I am a thong girl! I have huge issues with pantie lines so thongs take care of that!
  • I tried one and it was THE most uncomfortable thing I have ever worn. I hate it when girls wear them with hipster jeans....looks trashy.
  • Avatar Girls wear thongs to impress the opposite sex. They dont give you panty lines which looks horrible. If you need some tips I heard all you need to do is get a thong one size bigger then your original pantie size then there really..really comfortable. Guys think thongs are hot when a girl bends over or sits down and a little of the thong is peeking out. If to much is peeking out it looks obvious (The whole thong) but still hot and you will probley be called a slut by other girls if you let the whole thong out. Im just tired of people calling them "Butt floss" because its a really..really old joke. Guys think they are very sexy so keep wearing : )
  • Avatar Girls wear thongs to impress the opposite sex. They dont give you panty lines which looks horrible. If you need some tips I heard all you need to do is get a thong one size bigger then your original pantie size then there really..really comfortable. Guys think thongs are hot when a girl bends over or sits down and a little of the thong is peeking out. If to much is peeking out it looks obvious (The whole thong) but still hot and you will probley be called a slut by other girls if you let the whole thong out. Im just tired of people calling them "Butt floss" because its a really..really old joke. Guys think they are very sexy so keep wearing : )
  • I love wearing thong panties. They feel so sexy. If you haven't tried it, you should :)
  • Like - A good fitting thong is much more comfortable than that baggy crap
  • I have a drawer full of them. They're sexy and they make me feel sexy. I have a pair on now.
  • i wear both, but it depends on my outfit.
  • The real question is(Do they hum like a violin string when you pass gas?)hehe

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