Which Answerbag user is trolling you? I copied and pasted the link into a new window but I donβt see any trolling in the answers. Do you want to tell me who is trolling you? Iβm not an admin and thereβs nothing I can do to help but I can listen to what you say. If you donβt want to say who it is, what exactly did they say in the answer?
Urban Spaceman
The troll in question is having a further go at me on this post. She is deliberately twisting the facts to make it look as if it's all my fault when it's not. If people didn't post untrue statements about others then I wouldn't have to post questions like this. It would help if there was a private message system on this site, but as far as I know there isn't. -
Jenny The Great β
Urban Spacedork, go at you? You're calling me out in your reference to the question. Take a look at the amount of questions and answers you have given in all on Answerbag. You have 18 questions and 195 answers. Trolls have a very low amount of posts meaning, they don't contribute to this site. Also, trolls seek attention. It is exactly what you are doing by stirring the pot. Every user knows Answerbag has been calm. So there is no one harassing anyone. If you don't like users bothering you, then stay away from their comments. Otherwise, anything contrary you say will be used against you. -
Shadow Of The Mind
I agree with you Urban Spaceman that there should be a private message system. -
Jenny The Great β
Urban Spacedork, it has only been a few users who want a private message and a blocking feature. You, Bootsiebaby: Crazychick: Mary Dreamilton: Nosmo King: And all these users are from the UK. Could it be that those are your Answerbag sock-puppet accounts? I remember Linda Joy saying all those users are the same person, and also, Crazychick is a prison convict. -
Urban Spaceman
Those are lies for a start. Those users are all different people and I happen to know them in real life. I know their real names, email addresses, home addresses, dates and places of birth and various other information that you know nothing about. Linda Joy is notorious for bearing grudges against certain users who don't happen to have the same "humour" as her, and she lies about anyone she hates. Also, Bootsiebaby was the one who went to prison, not Crazy Chick, and it was for attacking a guy who tried to rape her sister. We all know Linda Joy wouldn't care if someone did that to her sister, but most of us do. At least have the decency to get your facts right. As for comments, I was referring to my own posts. Why should I let people bother me on my posts? That doesn't seem fair to me. -
Jenny The Great β
Urban Spacedork, lies or not, I don't see why Linda Joy would say this. It's not like it would benefit her anyway. It surely does not benefit me, knowing neither of ya contribute to this site. You all come to Answerbag to complain from what I have noticed. What a bunch of losers. Obviously, there has to be some truth to it, now that all those users are from the UK, and they are all known as well for imposing their UK English on others. (This is something I know about). You are incorrect, since I do know something. Quote: "Bootsiebaby was the one who went to prison, not Crazy Chick," I'm still right about something, cause as you clarified Bootsiebaby is the prison convict, Bootsiebaby might be the one who controls all those sock-puppet accounts. The biatch in the ugly boots is just crazy or the Crazychick. Get my facts right? I have, being I am making a lot of sense. -
Jenny The Great β
Urban Spacedork, BTW, decency? Tell the Crazychick in which I call Miss Piggy to upload a decent avatar. That goes for Mary Dreamilton too or should I say the same user who show their arses? -
Jenny The Great β
Urban Spacedork, oh, there's also another Answerbagger from the UK, a female who uses an avatar displaying her arse in pink leggings. -
Jenny The Great β
Urban Spacedork, then there is Professor Yaffle, another whiner from the UK:
What I see on the link you provided, you are bothering everyone by leaving nonsensical comments. You don't have any proof of who has harassed you or your friend. You are stirring the pot in the question by keeping users guessing of this so-called harasser. Actually, you bothered me, since I didn't ask for your little weak comments or your UK English. I told you already, Answerbag is an American site. If I want to learn UK English words and phrases, I will ask questions. You are free as a foreigner to speak UK English on Answerbag, but not to change Americans and their US English, unless you are looking for a verbal fight. Put up or zip it. π€
Urban Spaceman
See? You are the one stirring the pot by deliberately twisting things. You keep implying that I am anti-American when I'm not. How have I tried to "change US English"? -
Jenny The Great β
I do suggest you see that you are stirring the pot on the other question of users harassing you, your friend and on this question by complaining about it. I doubt if anybody cares. Not agreeing with US English makes you anti-American. How have you tried to change US English? First of all, Americans do not take the UK seriously. Second of all, you can try to tell Americans what UK English words they should use, but you will further get ridiculed, just like you are being now for complaining more.
I have flagged this question as Nonsense.
No one is picking on you ,you are being a true pathetic seeking attention. What happened?
Urban Spaceman
I am not an attention-seeker. See other answers on this question. -
Jenny The Great β
Urban Spacedork, accusing Answerbaggers of harassing you and your friend, along with getting trolled on with no evidence of the users who are doing it is calling for attention.
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