• Back in the day, I liked Popeye the sailor man, Mighty mouse, Speedy Gonzalez, Heckle and Jekyll and Tom and Jerry. Probably some others that I've forgotten. 3/16/25
      Saturday morning: in addition to Mighty Mouse and Speedy Gonzales, I liked Tom Terrific, Quick Draw McGraw, Secret Squirrel, Johnny Quest, Atom Ant and some others.
    • dalcocono
      Yup Saturday morning cartoons. I remember Quick draw McGraw, but I don't recall those other ones for some reason. edit; I just remembered Tom Terrific, I think. His nemesis was Crabby Appleton, who was rotten to the core, yes?
  • My Top 5 favorite cartoons in order... 1. Scooby-Doo. 2. Tom and Jerry. 3. Top Cat. 4. The Simpsons. 5. The Flintstones. And they still are.
  • The Simpsons, the original Scooby Doo series, most Walt Disney movies, Shrek franchise, The Incredibles movies and Monster House just to name some.

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