• The true and gross answer to this is "it depends."
  • That is a modern offence, that is no longer condoned. However, in times past, a girl was considered a woman at her first menses, and then eligible for marriage. Cultural rules and regs have changed thru the centuries. I'm not sure if non western countries even have laws concerning pedophilia. 1/27/25
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      I know Jews have moved forward from Talmud, condoning even promoting child abuse and marriage, (except for cases several years ago where one Rabbi conducted 20 underage marriages 12 -16 years of age, another was under 12, but Muslims in Yemen and Syria still partake in child marriage etc.
    • dalcocono
      Well, as in most things, they do have the example of the prophet (pbuh) to guide them, so I would think that sort of marriage would be acceptable in most of their nations. I saw an historical piece on youtube yesterday about an American woman from the 19th century who married the first time at 14 years old. Not the norm, but not really uncommon for that era either.

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