• Sounds like the plot from Quigley down under! 1/9/25
  • 1/9/2025, why do you care about finding a professional shooter in the US - when you can get Crocodile Dundee from Australia? He is a skilled marksman who also uses knives, guns and explosives.
    • β˜…Stevo
      fair dinkium a deer with a knife ?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Unless you want beef jerky, then why not? Other than that, you asked about shooting some vermin:
    • β˜…Stevo
      protected species you cant shoot kangeroos if you do tell no one.
    • β˜…Stevo
      I cant get close enough to a deer to get it with a crossbow and you want to knife one?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Professional shooters are doing it under strict guidelines and quotas from the government as part of the national cull, now that there's a double number of kangaroos in Australia than there are people.
  • To come to Australia? Pretty damn hard. In the USA, though, you could just DIY or aske any of your neighbours
    • β˜…Stevo
      I want to sell the meat goodie goodie rules. its a total toss off.
    • β˜…Stevo
      I want to argue with the local concil they are making life hard and being cockheads. our shooter is a great shooter he hits the deer in the head what more is he meant to do.

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