Sounds like the plot from Quigley down under! 1/9/25
1/9/2025, why do you care about finding a professional shooter in the US - when you can get Crocodile Dundee from Australia? He is a skilled marksman who also uses knives, guns and explosives.
β Stevo
fair dinkium a deer with a knife ? -
Jenny The Great β
Unless you want beef jerky, then why not? Other than that, you asked about shooting some vermin: -
β Stevo
protected species you cant shoot kangeroos if you do tell no one. -
β Stevo
I cant get close enough to a deer to get it with a crossbow and you want to knife one? -
Jenny The Great β
Professional shooters are doing it under strict guidelines and quotas from the government as part of the national cull, now that there's a double number of kangaroos in Australia than there are people.
To come to Australia? Pretty damn hard. In the USA, though, you could just DIY or aske any of your neighbours
β Stevo
I want to sell the meat goodie goodie rules. its a total toss off. -
β Stevo
I want to argue with the local concil they are making life hard and being cockheads. our shooter is a great shooter he hits the deer in the head what more is he meant to do.
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