• I'd say teaching children about transgenderism, and homosexuality is yes, children should maintain their innocence as long as possible. It blurs boundaries that protect woman and children. I find a man thinking he can be a woman because "he believes he "feels," like one is alot of nonsense, how on earth can he? Has he had periods, carried babies, grown up as the physically weaker sex? Does he have the brain of a woman, it's insulting. By all means pretend your a woman, but don't expect me to. Crikey, next we'll have paedophile identifying as children, that's what happens when you don't have boundaries and live in lala land, deviants exploit that. I think it's disgusting that parents want to chemically castrate their children, child abuse, who'd wish that on their perfect child. If someone has truly got a mental illness where they feel like they should be a different sex, it would be more loving to help that person love themselves as they are, because they will NEVER be the other sex, adding on or cutting off body parts is not only putting your life at risk, you will only be a person pretending to be the other sex. Thank goodness there are people in the trans community who understand this and are speaking out, they know promoting this to children is wrong, wish there were more of these type of Transpeople doing this. And what's this "unalived" malarkey? What's wrong with the words died or dead, crikey, are people this delicate now they can't face the truth?

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