• Compared to who? "Iron Mike" is still a pro and a force to be reckoned with in and out of the ring, IMHO. 9/30/24
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Thanks for sharing! Compared to his younger self when he was unstoppable and knocking out his opponents in 30 seconds in the first round. Tyson lost to Buster Douglas who was an underdog, twice to Evander Holyfield, to Lennox Lewis, Danny Williams and Kevin Mcbride. Tyson's words upon loss after loss was, he didn't have it in him anymore, and that he was only fighting to pay his bills: Now that he's older and seen in a wheelchair and walking with a cane not long ago (due to) sciatica, will this *force* be enough against Jake Paul on November 15, 2024 whose primary goal is to make $40 million and defeat Tyson?
    • dalcocono
      After watching the video you posted, I have to wonder about that too. This could be all about the money for both of the fighters. Tyson is 58 years old now, and sooner or later we all have to acknowledge that we can't compete with the younger fighters anymore. I hope he defeats Jake Paul though, and goes out on top!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Mike Tyson is my favorite boxer of all time, and as good as he was, he wasn’t expected to lose to lower caliber fighters. Why? Because of the very name itself - "Mike Tyson." He knew that by people watching him get worse and worse late in his career, he had to retire. Now in the present, he has to find his beast mentality, knowing those young boxers are hungry for recognition, making them more dangerous.
  • 10/1/2024, since the media has been hyping up the boxing fight 🥊 between Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul on November 15, 2024, many people wonder if an old Tyson can take the young guy to school or in other words, show Paul who's his daddy. I believe it's all in the mentality of who wants it more to determine the winner. In Tyson's boxing record of 50-6, he could have been 56-0. How? Boxing is a mental sport were lots of physical strength, stamina, "discipline and control" is needed. Tyson got overconfident and underestimated Buster Douglas in 1990, and looked what happened, Tyson lost his first fight. Then he fights Evander Holyfield in 1996. Tyson going into the ring with Holyfield in the first fight left Tyson with the mentality that he is not unstoppable after all, and he can be beaten, which was the case. In the second fight with Holyfield in 1997, Tyson went in with a bruised ego, causing the fight to become 'The Bite Fight'. By 2002 when Tyson fought Lennox Lewis, it was more of Tyson trying to get back on top by the humiliation he took in the first 3 losses. It turned out Lewis was on his game - something Tyson was shocked 😲 about, handing him his fourth loss. And then when Tyson fought Danny Williams in 2004, Tyson's mentality dragged him back in the sense of: he couldn't believe what was happening, so Williams gave Tyson his fifth loss. Finally, when Tyson fought Kevin McBride in 2005, once again, Tyson's mentality of not having it in him anymore drags him back, giving him the sixth loss in his record. It was time for Tyson to retire or face further humiliation if he kept boxing. In the strictest sense, Tyson's loss to Buster Douglas brought him back to Earth and affected his mentality, not to mention his family problems, the divorces, the lawsuits and so on. Tyson is known to use his family rage in the boxing ring. The problem here in the logic of, what goes up, must come down is a mental issue Tyson must get over to go out as a winner against Jake Paul in whom celebrities like Hulk Hogan are saying Paul is going to kill Tyson. This is were Tyson has to be mentally strong.

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