• Covering up for peadophiles ,threatening those that speak out against them. Protecting rockspiders, Is what Ive seen them do many times. Far too many Gerald Ridsdale and Goege Pells found in churches.
  • It can brainwash you with ritual, buying rosary beads etc, or being able to rehash bible verses, or worse as Stevo states, murder the infidels or goy or golom, or paedophiler, but if you don't seek to find out truth, 1) You are not going to understand it. 2) You won't be changed by it for the better. If you haven't experienced being the temple of the living God, if you haven't experienced Union with God, then you are wasting your time on endless ritual and false self righteousness. The bible is a spiritual mystery to elevate the carnal man, into a spiritual temple of God. "God who made the world and all things therein, seeing that He is Lord of Heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands." This is why the temple of Solomon, and churches are in the form of a cross, this is man laying down with his arms outwards, the ritual is carried out within man, the holy of holies is the Head of man, the temple, this is where God dwells when your carnal and prideful mind and will cease to control you.
  • Potentially lots of ways. David Koresh ruined lots of lives through religious dogma.

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